Releases: jcrodriguezt/laravel-sybase
Version 3.2.2
Fixed use of SYBASE_CACHE_COLUMNS and SYBASE_CACHE_COLUMNS_TIME variables inside compile function. They are called now from database.connections.yourConnection using the config helper.
Version 3.2.1
Removing use of strtolower in compile function for column names. This is causing issues when given that column names are case sensitive.
Version 3.2
Support for Laravel 11
Version 3.1.2
Small change in compile function, no need to strtolower tables variable
Version 3.1.1
Using xBu3n0's latest changes
Version 3.1
With a little help from Bu3n0, code cleanup was made and also few changes which should improve this package's usage. If interested, please read commit and diff messages.
Version 3.0
Main goal: Trying not to break anything from 2.6.x versions in case you issue a 'composer update'.
I was having some issues in projects having connections to Sybase ASE and Sql Server in the same project so I'm trying to have 'sybasease' as the driver name for connections to Sybase ASE servers.
Version 2.6.8
Changed DBAL requirement to ^3.5
Version 2.6.7
Adding support for Laravel 10
Version 2.6.6
RE-uploaded changes supposed to be on 2.6.5, dont know what happened.