This is the vrnetlab docker image for FreeBSD.
This docker image requires a custom-built FreeBSD image with pre-installed cloud-init. You can download such images from
Run make download
. It will try to download the latest FreeBSD release from to this directory. Then run make
to build a docker image.
If for some reasons you can't obtain an image from, you can build it yourself with the script from this repository.
It's been tested to boot, respond to SSH and have correct interface mapping with the following images:
- freebsd-13.2-zfs-2023-04-21.qcow2
docker run -d --privileged --name <container_name> vrnetlab/vr-freebsd:<tag> --username <username> --password <password>
- name of the created container.tag
- FreeBSD release version (e.g., 13.2).username
- FreeBSD VM credentials.
docker run -d --privileged --name my-obsd-router vrnetlab/vr-freebsd:13.2 --username admin --password admin
It will take about 1 minute for the container to boot. After that, you can try to ssh to the container's IP or telnet to port 5000 for console access.
To obtain the container's IP run:
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container_name>
Interface vtnet0
is always configured as a management interface. Interfaces vtnet1
to vio16
can be used for data plane.
CPU: 1 core
RAM: 512MB