An R
package for mapping diversity (ethnic, racial, linguistic or otherwise).
extends some of the functionality of the sf
and tidycensus
packages making it simple to subset simple feature data structures and gather census related data pertaining to specific geographies. It also provides some handy diversity functions (ex. shannon index).
This package is a product of my research, which involves understanding the geography of diversity and peoples' perceptions of other populations. This project is called haterz
and, since this is a primarily geographic extension of that project, haterzmapper
seemed most appropriate.
# gather census tracts of California from tidycensus
ca <- tidycensus::get_acs(geography = "tract", variables = "B00001_001",
state = "CA", geometry = TRUE)
# lat and lon of San Fran center
sflon <- topcities[topcities$full_name == "San Francisco, CA",]$lon
sflat <- topcities[topcities$full_name == "San Francisco, CA",]$lat
# subset San Fran by 80 km radius
sf <- subset_map(ca, long = sflon, lat = sflat, dist = 80000)
# plot both layers
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = ca, colour = '#828282', fill = 'white', size = 0.05, alpha = 0) +
geom_sf(data = sf, colour = '#828282', fill = '#00bf98', size = 0.001) +
colors <- c('#CF3A24', '#8F1D21', '#f08f90', '#FCC9B9', '#763568', '#A87CA0', '#48929B', '#264348', '#7A942E', '#87D37C',
'#D9B611', '#F5D76E', '#6C7A89')
# collect all census tracts from tidycensus
geographies <- reduce(
map(us, function(x) {
get_acs(geography = "tract", variables = 'B00001_001',
state = x, geometry = TRUE, year = 2015)
# water shapefile and subset it
water <- st_read("~/Desktop/seattle_water.shp")
water <- subset_map(df = water, long = (topcities %>% filter(city == "Seattle"))$lon, lat = (topcities %>% filter(city == "Seattle"))$lat,
dist = 50000)
# collect tracts from a 10km perimeter around the 40km radius
outer <- subset_map(df = geographies, long = (topcities %>% filter(city == "Seattle"))$lon,
lat = (topcities %>% filter(city == "Seattle"))$lat,
dist = 50000)
# city data sample
city <- subset_map(df = geographies, long = (topcities %>% filter(city == "Seattle"))$lon,
lat = (topcities %>% filter(city == "Seattle"))$lat)
# randomly create lab column
city$lab <- sample(1:13, nrow(city), replace = T)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = outer, color = '#e2e2de', fill = '#e2e2de', alpha = 0) +
geom_sf(data = city, aes(fill = factor(lab)) ,colour = '#ffffff', size = 0.01) +
geom_sf(data = water, color = "#4f5a6b", fill = "#d2ddef", size = 0.15) +
geom_sf(data = water, color = "#d2ddef", fill = "#d2ddef", size = 0.001) +
map_theme_stark() +
scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
ggtitle(label = "Seattle", subtitle = "Demographic Clusters")