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Fin analysis using Finite Differential Method, in 2D material

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Fin analysis using finite difference method (FDM)

  • github repository for computational physics, final project [2023.06.14]

How to use it

  1. import FEM_2D

  2. set mesh's boundary

  3. build mesh

  4. set mesh's geometry

  5. set boundary condition

  6. compile and check the model

  7. compute or animate mesh

  8. plot computation process

  9. save and import result

1. import FEM 2D

FEM_2D folder should be exists in current directory like below.

Current file is main.ipynb

In main.ipynb, you can import FEM_2D like below.

from FEM_2D import *

Test_fin = FEM_2D(*args)

2. set mesh's boundary

Before you define mesh, you should define the boundary.

Test_fin = FEM_2D(X=x_max, Y=y_max, dx=unit_x, dy=unit_y)

Here X represent the maximum boundary of mesh along X axis, and Y represent the maximum of Y axis.

dx and dy represent the unit length of mesh, so the size of one element of mesh will be dx * dy. It would be better to equalize dx, dy in most case.

So when you set (X=10, Y=15, dx=0.1, dy=0.1), your mesh will be set like this.

X=10, Y=15, dx=0.1, dy=0.1

from FEM_2D import *

Test_fin = FEM_2D(X=10, Y=15, dx=0.1, dy=0.1)
Test_fin.build_mesh(1, 1, 1, 10, 10)

Above figure can be ploted after build_mesh method.

3. build mesh

You should build_mesh after infix mesh boundary. build_mesh method set the other conditions like,

  • Thermal conductivity of fin : k
  • Thermal diffusivity of fin : alpha
  • Initial temperature of fin : T_mat
  • Convection heat transfer coefficient of surrounding air : h
  • Temperature of surrounding air : T_inf

(all parameters are SI-unit)

If you skip this step, FEM_2D will not compute, since there's no information to compute.

For exmaple, thermal conductivity and diffusivity of aluminum is about $\mathrm{237 \ W/m \cdot k}, \ \mathrm{9.7857*10^{-5} m^{2}/s}$.

Also the convection heat transfer of free air is about $\mathrm{2.5 \sim 25 \ W/m^{2}\cdot k}$

Let assume fin is made of aluminum, temperature of air and fin are $\mathrm{25^\circ C}$, convection heat transfer coefficent is $\mathrm{20 \ W/m^{2}\cdot k}$.

Then we can build mesh like this.

Test_fin.build_mesh(k=237, alpha=9.7857e-05, h=20, T_mat=25, T_inf=25)

After building mesh, now you can observe the whole mesh, usingplot_status, plot_status_2D, plot_status_3D.

plot_status will show you both 2-dimensional and 3-dimesnional mesh in same figure.


empty mesh

Since we didn't fix the geometry of fin, every mesh temperature are set to T_inf. If you add geometry, it will automatically set to T_mat.

4. set mesh's geometry

There are three geometries in FEM_2D.

  • Rectangular fin : set_rect(x_mid_cord, L, H)
  • Half-circle fin : set_circle(x_mid_cord, R)
  • Triangular fin : set_triangular(x_mid_cord, base, height)

Every geometry are fixed at $\mathrm{Y=0}$ axis. You can adjust the center $\mathrm{x}$ cordinate of geometry.

If geometry is out of mesh boundary, it will raise AssertionError : geometry is out of mesh.

After fix the geometry, you can plot the boundary of fin, using plot_status(show_node=True).

Test_fin = FEM_2D(X=10, Y=15, dx=0.1, dy=0.1)
Test_fin.build_mesh(k=237, alpha=9.7857e-05, h=20, T_mat=25, T_inf=25)
Test_fin.set_rect(x_mid_cord=5, L=5, H=7)

rectangle fin

Since we set x_mid_cord=5, center $\mathrm{x}$ cordinate of geometry will be 5.

Also we set T_mat = T_inf = 25. Therefore temperature grid of fin and air are same. If we set different temperature, it would be like this

Test_fin = FEM_2D(X=10, Y=15, dx=0.1, dy=0.1)
Test_fin.build_mesh(k=237, alpha=9.7857e-05, h=20, T_mat=30, T_inf=25)
Test_fin.set_rect(x_mid_cord=5, L=5, H=7)

rectangle fin

5. set boundary condition

Now we can set boundary condition. Since three geometries, set_rect, set_circle, set_triangle are fixed at $\mathrm{Y = 0}$ axis, boundary condition should be set at Y=[0].

For now, we only implemented constant temperature boundary condition, set_BC_const_T.

You can set condition like below.

Test_fin = FEM_2D(X=10, Y=15, dx=0.1, dy=0.1)
Test_fin.build_mesh(k=237, alpha=9.7857e-05, h=20, T_mat=30, T_inf=25)
Test_fin.set_rect(x_mid_cord=5, L=5, H=7)

rectangle fin

It would be much instuitive to check the mesh using plot_status or others.

6. compile and check the model

After fixing geometry and boundary condition, you should compile your status.


compile method will check whether mesh proper or not. After compile, you can estimate number of computation, using is_good(dt, T_end).

dt = 0.01
T_end = 10
Test_fin.is_good(dt, T_end)
Output : 
[Safe to compute]
    ==> [3570]        nodes to calculate.
    ==> [1000]        frames to repeat
    ==> [3.57e+06]    times to calculate.
    ==> [5m 57.0s]    estimated.

(estimated time can be differ by computer performance.)

Note that you should set proper dt. In finite element method at transient heat transfer, Fourier number is important factor.

In FEM_2D, Fourier number, is defined as $\mathrm{Fo = \frac{\alpha\Delta t}{dx*dy}}$. Also in FEM_2D we calculate every nodes via 4 adjacent node, which implies $\mathrm{1 - 4Fo \geq 0}$ to satisfy analystic stability.

If you want details about it, check the reference - p.330 ~ 334.

If you set improper dt, it would raise ArithmeticError, and shows current Fo. For example,

dt = 50         # too large dt
T_end = 1000
Test_fin.is_good(dt, T_end)
Output : 
    79 self.__Fo = self.__alpha * dt / (self.dx * self.dy)
    81 if 1 - 4 * self.__Fo < 0 : 
---> 82     raise ArithmeticError("Fourier number has to be small enough : [{}]".format(1 - 4 * self.__Fo))
    84 self.__is_safe(1)
    85 self.__is_safe(2)

ArithmeticError: Fourier number has to be small enough : [-0.9571399999999994]

Since Fo = alpha * dt / (dx * dy), you need to decrease dt or increase mesh size dx, dy at FEM_2D(X,Y,dx,dy).

7. compute or animate mesh

There are 3 ways to compute mesh.

  • compute_dt(dt, save_process)
  • compute(t_end, dt, save_process)
  • compute_steady_state(dt, tol, max_iter, save_process)

compute_dt method only computes one step of dt.

Test_fin.compute_dt(dt, save_process)

compute method calculates mesh until t_end. However in FEM_2D, there's a variable called time, shows how much time has been passed at its' initial condition. So if you set lower t_end than FEM_2D.time, it will computes nothing.

Test_fin.compute(t_end, dt, save_process)


compute_steady_state computes mesh over max_iter times steps of dt. If the fin reaches steady state in iteration, it will stop calculation.

Test_fin.compute_steady_state(dt, tol, max_iter, save_process)


Ther precision in each interation is defined as $\mathrm{\vert \frac{(T_{avg}^{t}) \ - \ (T_{avg}^{t-1})}{dt} \vert }$. So in iteration if $\mathrm{\vert \frac{T_{avg}^{t} \ - \ T_{avg}^{t-1}}{dt} \vert \leq tolerance}$, we assume it reaches steady state.

Above computation compute_dt, compute, compute_steady_state only calculate mesh, so we can save computation. However one might want to visualize the calculation process.

So there are 3 method to animate the process.

  • Animate_2D(t_end, dt, save_process, file_name)
  • Animate_3D(t_end, dt, save_process, file_name)
  • Animate(t_end, dt, save_process, file_name)

Animate_2D save process via 2-dimensional plot, and Animate_3D via 3-dimensional.

Animate save process both 2 and 3-dimensional plot.

Test_fin.Animate(t_end, dt, save_process, file_name)


Those methods use FuncAnimation of Matplotlib library to animate process.

Basically it save the ploted figure in every iteration, so it would take much more time to compute given t_end.

Also Animate saves process to .gif format, which restrict frames per seconds. So even if you done Animate, the animation could be extremely slow, if you have many frames in .gif files.

--> It is not recommended for many computing iterations.

8. plot computation process

At compute_dt, compute, compute_steady_state, Animate_2D, Animate_3D, Animate methods, there's a parameter called save_process.

save_process make the model to save average temperature of fin in each computation.

You can plot the computation process using plot_process method.

For example, if parameter save_process=False, it can't plot the process.

Test_fin.compute(T_end, dt, save_process=False)
Output : 
Computing mesh... [\][=================================================> ][98/100]			
Computing has been finished.
Mesh is on initial state. No process has been excuted.

If not, you can plot the process.

Output : 
[Safe to compute]
    ==> [1276]        nodes to calculate.
    ==> [999499]      frames to repeat
    ==> [1.28e+09]    times to calculate.
    ==> [35h 25m 36.1s] estimated.
Computing mesh... [/] --> [AVG temperature : 45.54612][>                             ][4524/1000000]			

Temperature has been converged.
[11.40750] sec to converge.

Precision : [9.976020010071807e-10]
    ==> previous temperature :  [45.54612]               
    ==> current temperature :  [45.54612]               

Computing has been finished.


9. save and import result

You can save the mseh and computation process, using save_result method.

save_result save the mesh grid and others as .npz format. .npz is a file format used in the NumPy library, allows you to compressed one or more np.array in a single file.

Output : 
T_mesh has been saved at : [{current directory}/file_name.npz]

You can import the result using import_result method. You can import the result as a np.array or you can replace mesh grid to given file.

Test_fin.import_result(file="{file_name}.npz", replace_model=True)
Output : 
Mesh and result has been replaced by imported data.

Given file .npz should have specific keyword, process_time, process_avg, T_mesh.

If not, it will raise KeyError : File format doesn't match with FEM_2D

If you replace your mesh, you can also use plot_process to plot previous progress.

Test_fin.import_result(file="{file_name}.npz", replace_model=True)


Final report and detail explanation

The presentation and final report is located at presentation and final report folder.

final report describes the our work flow, our process, and idea of structuring model. However it's written in korean.


Bergman, T. L., and Frank P. Incropera. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. Seventh edition. Wiley, 2011.


Fin analysis using Finite Differential Method, in 2D material





