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A super sweet, simple, flexible and powerful task management system written in Go.

Why 'task' is Better

There are many task-like frameworks and gui systems but we think 'task' is better.

  • Loosely coupled components
  • Encourages a micro-service architecture
  • Clean separation between components that make tasks (taskmasters) and components that do tasks (workers)
  • Stateless
  • Not GUI based
  • Simple to understand and implement
  • Open source with MIT licensing
  • Implemented in Golang
  • Easy to scale



  • Worker (does the work)
  • Taskmaster (creates tasks)
  • Task Bus (message bus for communicating tasks)

Basic Flow

A taskmaster creates a task and sends it to the task bus. A worker listens on a task bus for tasks it knows how to do. The worker does the task and returns the results back to the task bus.

Alt text

Quick Start

For a quickstart tutorial navigate to the 'quickstart' directory and follow the instructions.


A task is just a simple JSON object like this one:

   "info":"information for the worker",

It represents a small unit of work that a worker will know how to complete.

A worker receives a task like the one above, works on the task and then adds information to the original task object about how the processing went. The done task is sent back to the task message bus for other applications to consume or respond to.

Example of a done task:

   "info":"information for the worker",
   "msg":"completed successfully!",

Example of a done task with an error:

   "info":"information for the worker",
   "msg":"error processing task!",

A task is created by a taskmaster; an application that specializes in creating tasks. A task is completed by a worker; an application that carries out the command of the taskmaster to do a task of a particular type. The worker will mark the original task with information that describes how the processing went - like the outcome (complete, error) and the time it completed the task.

As you can see, even a done task object is very simple.


A worker is a single application that knows how to do a particular kind of task. A kind of task is called a 'task type'. A task type is just a simple string identifier. A worker is constructed knowing how to do a task type called 'special-task'. So, when a task of type 'special-task' is sent to the task bus then the task will immediately start working on that task.

A worker is created by creating a worker launch function and implementing the 'Worker' interface. The worker launch function type and Worker interface are located in the 'worker.go' file in the main directory.


A taskmaster specializes in creating tasks. Tasks are created in response to some kind of event. A common kind of event is the passage of time. If, for example, it is 5 minutes after the hour a taskmaster may know to create a task of a particular type. Another kind of event could be the successful completion of a task. When one kind of task is successfully completed a taskmaster can listen to the task bus and respond by creating a task of a different type.

There are many kinds of events that a taskmaster can know how to respond to. This framework provides a number of basic taskmasters that will handle task creation to a number of basic events. To see the taskmasters the task framework provides navigate to the 'apps/taskmasters/' directory.

The framework taskmaster will likely fit your needs out-of-the box. So, for now you will probably want to focus on creating workers. To create a worker see the section below called 'Make Your Own Worker'.

Task Bus

A task bus is just a message bus used for communicating tasks. It it used to communicate tasks that need to be completed and tasks that are already done.

You can implement your own task bus but this framework provides a number of different kinds of task buses. You can choose the task bus that fits your needs the best.

To see all the task buses the Task framework provides out-of-the box navigate to the 'bus/' directory.

You will probably not need to make your own task bus. But, if you want to make your own bus anyway just implement the bus interface found at 'bus/bus.go'.

Message Bus Primer

A task bus is just a message bus or messaging system that facilitates the flow of tasks. There are many kinds of message buses (also called message queuing systems) available. Some of the most common include:

We've also abstract basic local io (reading and writing files) for a simple message bus. This is useful during development.

A message bus will host tasks in different message queues called 'topics'. When something posts (or produces) a message to the task bus it will post (or write) to a topic. Topics have names - the name is whatever you decide to call the topic. Topics are a way to organize messages of different types or messages of the same type that have different purposes.

A message bus facilitates a publish/subscribe message model. An application can 'publish' or 'produce' a message to a message bus on a topic. Alternatively, an application can subscribe or listen to messages on a particular topic. When a message is read from the message bus we say that the message has been 'consumed'. Applications that subscribe to a topic on a message bus are also called 'consumers'.

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Make Your Own Worker

If you haven't already, go make a simple worker, follow the worker quickstart instructions found at './quickstart/worker/'.

Implementing a worker is easy. You just implement the worker interface, create a launcher and provide the launcher with an implemented 'MakeWorker' type. Both the worker interface and 'MakeWorker' type are found in the 'worker.go' file.

Do the following:

  • Implement Worker interface
  • Create a Launcher instance
  • Implement the 'MakeWorker' type

While your worker application is running the launcher will listen for tasks on the configured task bus, launch a worker using the provided 'MakeWorker' function and cleanly shutdown the application.

Worker Design Goals


It's important that a worker is able to complete a task without affecting the outcome of another task, either running at the same time or at a different time. When the completion of a task affects the successful completion of another task we call that interaction a 'side-effect'. Side-effects are almost always a bad thing. They can put your system in an inconsistent and unpredictable state.

There are many reasons for side-effects, some of those reasons include:

  • Not properly cleaning up a task (cleaning up db entries, files)
  • Improper carryover of a local cache (the leftover cache from one task affects the outcome of a subsequent task)
  • More than one task of the exact same type and value (for more about a task value see more about tasks in the 'Tasks' section) is running at the same time.
  • Input data for a task is different when running a task of the same type and value multiple times.

In general, a worker should be designed such that a task can be run x number of times, either in parallel or serially and achieve the same reliable outcome.

A worker outcome is considered 'idempotent' when a worker can achieve processing a task without affecting the successful outcome of another task regardless of whether the task was processed in the past, present or future.

Idempotency is the 'gold standard' of worker design. In practice, in may not be possible to achieve idempotency. In these cases, it's critical to design your workers to do whatever possible to prevent, detect and recover from side-effects.

If you know that there are potential side effects it is a good practice to document what they are and then create other processes to detect and heal from the side effect.

You may, for example, write another worker (worker B) that is scheduled to run a task (task B) after the completion of a task (task A completed by worker A) to check for and report on side-effects and create a way to heal the side-effects in order to get the system back in a good state.

Small Units of Work

Unless you are running a system like Hadoop that specializes in massive parallel processing one task over a cluster of servers, parallelism is very difficult to program and can have many potential problems and side-effects.

If you have a task that requires massive parallel processing you can create a worker that will launch a system like hadoop that will do the heavy lifting to complete the task and then that worker can report on the successful completion of the task.

Alternatively, we strongly suggest you design your workers to process 'small' units of work. In general, the smaller the better. Smaller means that you can simply launch more tasks and then distribute the work at the task level over one or more worker applications running at the same time.

One Worker Application Instance Does One Task at a Time

It may be tempting to create one worker application that can handle many tasks at the same time to achieve task parallelism. While the launcher is designed to handle launching more than one worker within an application we generally do not recommend configuring production environments to work this way. Instead we recommend parallelization by having many instances of the same worker running across many servers.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. If the worker application fails then all in-progress tasks will not complete successfully and will have to be re-created by a task master and tried again. By having a worker application handle more than one task at a time you increase the failure domain of a single application. In other words, when a worker fails it fails harder.
  2. Working on many tasks in the same worker application at the same time creates more possibility of side-effects. For example, the worker may implement a shared cache. It may be that sharing that cache locally among more than worker affects a consistent outcome and will, therefore, create side-effects.
  3. It trains us to think about tasks in a distributed micro-services eco-system instead of a monolithic single instance. In general, micro-services can be designed with more resilience, fault-tolerance, and scalability. Think about wrapping your workers in docker containers and then scaling the number of instances automatically according to the work load.

Task Order Agnostic

Units of work should be designed such that tasks can be processed in any order. For example, if three tasks, "A", "B" and "C" are received by a worker and processed one-at-a-time the final outcome of each should be the same regardless of processing order. It should be able to process the tasks in any order:

  • "A", "B", "C"
  • "C", "B", "A"
  • "B", "A", "C"

The final results of each should be the same regardless.

Worker Attempts to Detect Side Effects

If there is more than one instance of a worker of a particular type then it is very possible that that at some point the same task will be processed more than once at the same time. This could occur because:

A message is delivered twice

Most message buses have an 'at least once' or 'at most once' message delivery guarantee not an 'exactly once' deliver guarantee. Therefore, it's possible that two instances of a worker could receive the same task at almost the same time and therefore process the task with some overlap. This kind of processing overlap could cause side-effects.

The same task is created twice at almost the same time

Since taskmasters are independent applications that have little to no knowledge of each other it's possible that the same task could be created independently by two different taskmasters. For example:

  • A cron (time based) task is created and the same task is created as a one-off request by a user.
  • A task is created as part of a batch of tasks and at the same time a same task is created automatically because a process detected some missing results and tried to automatically 'heal' by creating the task.
  • A task is created again as an automatic retry effort because it originally failed. About the same time another taskmaster detects bad results (because of the failed task) and automatically creates a task to attempt to repair the results.