This is one demo of Camunda (7.8) running on Spring Boot (1.5.10) and Java 8.
Here are lessons learned doing this demo - it took me considerable time to figure out, and solve "small" problems.
When using Spring Boot and embedding forms in Camunda Modeler, Form Key shall be adapted.
To use Camunda Connector and Spin, enable plugins in Engine and put this into your application/configuration Class (I wonder why is this not enabled by default ?)
public ConnectProcessEnginePlugin connectProcessEnginePlugin() {
return new ConnectProcessEnginePlugin();
To handle (technical ?) errors when talking with external web services set Error Code to:
To implement JavaDelegates, use lambdas - very short and practical:
public JavaDelegate sayHelloDelegate() {
return execution -> System.out.println("Logging something from javaDelegate... Hello");
To authentificate access to EE repository, there is a need to adapt (or create) ~/.m2/settings.xml with similar content
To se content of H2 in memory database, use following URL in web browser:
and following database URL (leave user sa without password):
Demo table is called computers.
Try to prepare and use docker image as host with SSHD.