This folder contains your submission for the responsive challenge. The below questions should be answered with details about your submission!
1. What is the URL of this site, as hosted on your student webserver (i.e.,{uw-new-id}
too many. If I had to guess I'd say over 20hrs. Mostly because I'm pretty new to html and css, but as I went farther into the assignment, troubleshooting and progression in general got easier.
5. Did you encounter any problems in this challenge we should warn students about in the future? How can we make the challenge better?
yeah, a ton. I guess the biggest single thing that could help future students would be a lecture on css etiquette. Most of my problems were due to my lack of experience in css, and the convoluted code that I wrote as a result, I think a lecture or cheat sheet walking students through a sample website's css page would help. Examples showing inheritance, cascading, when/how to use class vs id vs element as a whole, and using classes to be more specific (ie . or # vs using element class or id to affect several things at once. Things went noticably better for me after I started to grasp those concepts.