This package makes it easy use to maintain your firebase database (Firestore) using Google Sheets via CLI.
Installing Build Tools as a global module will give you command-line access to all tasks available.
You can install globally by typing the following in your terminal:
npm install firesheets -g
To verified that it is successfully installed, run this:
firesheets --version
You can use this command to import data from your Google Sheet
and export to Firebase
firesheets --args=<values>
Arguments allowed are:
Argument | Type | Description |
---|---|---| |
String | Sheet ID of your Google Sheet . |
sheet.cred |
String | Full path to your Google Credential . You will need to enable your Google Sheets API . Check out here on a quick way to enable it. | |
String | Name of your Firestore database. |
db.cred |
String | Full path to your Firebase Credential . Check out here for more information on how to generate a private key file for your service account. |
Example usage of arguments:
firesheets 1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms --sheet.cred /Users/john/.google/credentials.json firesheets-9e63f --db.cred /Users/john/.firebase/firesheets-9e63f-firebase-adminsdk-abcdef-ghi.json
First row will always be used as the column name. Indicate the type next to the column name enclosed by <>
Allowed types are (do note that they are not case sensitve):
Type | Description |
String | String value type, if there are no type specified in the header, this will be used as the default type. |
Number | Int/Double value type, automatically detect if there's any decimal and convert them to the correct int/double type. |
Bool | Boolean value type |
Map | Object value type, use , to separate the properties. If you need to use , in your property value, enclosed them with a double " quote. |
type[] | For array, use the type of array that you want. So if you want to use a String array, enter the value as String[] , map array Map[] etc. Use , to split the values for primitive value array and use ,, for Map array. |
Title<String> | Description<String> | Categories<String[]> | English<Map> | Localization<Map[]> |
Hello World | This is my hello world application. | design, development | us: hello, uk: hi, sg: "what's up", | country: China, text: 你好,, country: Spain, text: hola |
This will translate to:
"title": "Hello World",
"description": "This is my hello world application.",
"categories": ["design", "development"],
"english": {
"us": "hello",
"uk": "hi",
"sg": "what's up"
"localization": [
"country": "China",
"text": "你好",
"country": "Spain",
"text": "hola",
Please refer to the Github releases section for the changelog
Author: Jazz Peh <> © 2020
License: MIT - do anything with the code, but don't blame me if it does not work.
Support: if you find any problems with this module, email / tweet / open issue on Github
Copyright (c) 2020 Jazz Peh (twitter: @jazzpeh) Licensed under the MIT license.