description |
An open-source API specification for Salesforce Functions |
Apex Functions support for server SDK developed in ANY programming language hosted in ANY infrastructure, be it local or cloud.
Develop an open standard so anyone can develop a server SDK on any programming language and deploy it to any cloud provider. This can be open source or commercial.
Salesforce to Provide
- Provide a set of Apex interfaces. Keep them compatible with the current SF Function implementation.
- Provide the message structures (JSON Schema) that will be used to communicate between SF Function and the server
- Provide a set of Testing assets to test the implementation to ensure they meet the standards. These will be Apex and also Postman projects.
Server Side SDK provider to provide at a minimum.
- Support the Functions messaging standard.
- Request-Reply support (1:1)
- Call back support (1:1 and 1:M)
- Ability to perform CRUD on Salesforce object
- Pass the Apex Functions confirmation Test.
The client-server communication is based on open standards (Cloud Events); thus, any Cloud Events client can use the server application you have written. Cloud Events provides SDKs for Go, JavaScript, Java, C#, Ruby, PHP, PowerShell, Rust, and Python.
Server SDK Setup
The server should provide an HTTPS endpoint that can accept a POST, and the URI will be /functions.
{% swagger method="post" path="/functions" baseUrl="" summary="Start a function by posting data to this URL" expanded="false" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger method="get" path="/functions" baseUrl="" summary="Get details about running functions and performance metrics. " %} {% swagger-description %} (Need to define a JSON Format) {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" %}
{% endswagger-parameter %} {% endswagger %}
Use the Function Apex class to access deployed Salesforce Functions and invoke them synchronously or asynchronously.
This is the primary class all users will use. The sample code will look as follows.
public static string FunctionDemo() {
Function accountFunction = Function.get('MyProject.AccountFunction');
FunctionInvocation invocation = accountFunction.invoke('{"AccountId":"123"}');
return invocation.getResponse();
Note the line Function.get('MyProject.AccountFunction'); The value we are passing MyProject.AccountFunction.
MyProject is the name of the named credential if the URL is set to in a named credential called "MyProject" The callout will look like
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
is the name of the function that is passed to the server.
Request JSON (Work in Progress)
"userSessionId" : "SESSION_ID_REMOVED",
"userName" : "",
"type" : "AccountFunction",
"timeStamp" : "4/29/2023, 11:02:21 AM PDT",
"specversion" : "1.0",
"source" : "",
"orgId" : "00DDo000001AEWSMA5",
"id" : "01GZ72W7GFRMQDYCHM6ZZ9C0D1",
"datacontenttype" : "application/json",
"data_base64" : null,
"data" : "{\"AccountId\":\"123\"}"
JSON Property | Description |
userSessionId | |
userName | |
type | |
timeStamp | |
specversion | |
source | |
orgId | |
id | |
datacontenttype | |
data_base64 | Do we need this ? |
data |
Response JSON (Work in Progress)
"userName" : "",
"totalTime" : 123,
"timeCompleted" : "2023-04-29T18:02:21.598Z",
"serverName" : "Azure Lambada Server One",
"source" : "",
"response" : "{\"AccountId\":\"123\"}",
"orgId" : "00DDo000001AEWSMA5",
"invocationStatus" : "SUCCESS",
"error" : "
JSON Property | Description |
userName | |
totalTime | |
timeCompleted | |
serverName | |
source | |
orgId | |
invocationid | This should be id but that is a reserved word in SF |
function | |
error | |
response |
SF Function can be invoked asynchronously. For this, the calling Apex Code will implement
- FunctionCallback Interface
Represents the callback Salesforce calls when an asynchronous, queued Function invocation has been completed.
The following sample code shows how this is done in Apex
public static string FunctionCallBackDemo() {
Function accountFunction = Function.get('MyProject.AccountFunction');
FunctionInvocation invocation = accountFunction.invoke('{"AccountId":"123"}', new DemoCallBack);
return invocation.getResponse();
public class DemoCallback
implements functions.FunctionCallback {
public void handleResponse(functions.FunctionInvocation result) {
// Handle the result of function invocation
String jsonResponse = result.getResponse();
System.debug('Got response ' + jsonResponse);
JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(jsonResponse);
1:1 Callbacks: These are callbacks when a request is completed
1:N Callbacks: These are callbacks that are made during the execution of a function.
Server side SDK
Salesforce object name
Field Name | Type | Comment |
Name | String | The ID of the function call |
Status | String | ERROR, PENDING, SUCCESS |
Response | String | Response as a JSON Striong |
ResponseType | String | JSON or Base64 |
CallBackClass | String | The name of the Apex Callback Class |
FunctionErrorType Enum
Represents the error type of FunctionInvocationError. -
FunctionInvocation Interface
Use FunctionInvocation to get the status and results of a synchronous or asynchronous Function invocation. -
FunctionInvocationError Interface
Use FunctionInvocationError to get detailed error information about a failed Function invocation. -
FunctionInvocationStatus Enum
Represents the status of a Function invocation. -
FunctionInvokeMock Interface
Use the FunctionInvokeMock interface to mock Salesforce Functions responses during testing. -
MockFunctionInvocationFactory Class
Use the MockFunctionInvocationFactory methods to generate appropriate mock responses for testing Salesforce Functions.