Programming Software
- Node.js v22.3.0 Documentation | Modules: CommonJS modules
- npm Docs | CLI Commands
- Crypto | Node.js v22.9.0 Documentation
- Jest | Delightful JavaScript Testing
- Axios Docs
- libuv | Cross-platform asynchronous I/O
- Axios with Async/Await in JavaScript
- Nodemailer
- Postman documentation overview | Postman Learning Center
- Express 5.x - API Reference
- Express all error handling for application level
- EJS -- Embedded JavaScript templates
- express-validator | express-validator
- JSON Web Tokens -
- RandomKeygen - The Secure Password & Keygen Generator
- Swagger Editor
- Swagger Documentation
- REST API URI Naming Conventions and Best Practices
- OpenAPI Docs for Swagger
- MongoDB Node Driver - Node.js Driver v6.9
- Mongoose v8.5.1: Schemas
- Socket.IO
- Plugins - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
- Gulp.js
- gulp.js | plugin
- PM2 | Documentation
- Papa Parse
- CSV Parse - Usage
- DataTables | Javascript table library
- Rotate | API Document
- Hammer.JS - Hammer.js
- OpenAI API
- jest - npm
- nodemon - npm
- axios - npm
- path - npm
- nodemailer - npm
- fs-extra - npm
- express - npm
- ejs - npm
- express-ejs-layouts - npm
- express-validator - npm
- express-session - npm
- multer - npm
- cookie-parser - npm
- cookie - npm
- jsonwebtoken - npm
- swagger-ui-express - npm
- cors - npm
- winston - npm for Logger
- bcrypt - npm for password encrypt
- dotenv - npm for load environment variables
- mongodb - npm
- mongoose - npm
- - npm
- pm2 - npm
- create-react-app - npm
- react - npm
- react-dom - npm
- react-scripts - npm
- styled-components - npm
- react-toastify - npm
- react-router-dom - npm
- redux - npm
- react-redux - npm
- papaparse - npm
- csv-parse - npm
- connect-flash - npm
- zingtouch - npm
- hammerjs - npm
- cypress - npm
- @reduxjs/toolkit - npm
Web Deployment
- Quick Start – React
- Babel · Babel
- React Developer Tools - Chrome Extension
- webpack
- Create React App
- GitHub - facebook/create-react-app
- styled-components
- CSS Modules Stylesheet | Create React App
- createContext – React
- React Router Home | React Router
- React Router API Reference
- React Router Home v7.0.1 | React Router
- Redux | A JS library for predictable and maintainable global state management
- Redux Fundamentals, Part 2: Concepts and Data Flow | Redux
- React Redux
- React Redux | Document
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux Toolkit | Document
Firebase cloud database
Dummy APIs
Icons - Images
- Font Awesome
- Icons · Bootstrap v5.3
- Freepik
- Motionelements
- Figma: The Collaborative Interface Design Tool
- PNGWing - Exclusive png design images
- SVG icons - W3C Design System
- ICONSVG - Quick customizable SVG icons for your project
- Bootstrap Icons · Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap
- Open Source Icon Sets - Iconify
- DEVICON | icons font for all programming languages and development tools
- Vector icons - SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS & Icon Font - Thousands of free icons
- React Icons
- Google Fonts icons