Ever wanted to use DOS, but made by an amatuer and barely functional? Well, this is the thing for you!
Framebuffer Graphics
PS/2 Keyboard Input
(That's it.)
- An i686-compatible CPU
- At least 16MiB of RAM
- A GPU that can output 720p
- LBA48-compliant hard drive
(Basically anything that's made after the 2000s)
Download latest .iso from "releases"
Install QEMU
Run 'qemu-system-i386 -drive media=cdrom,format=raw,file=JOS.iso' from the command line
Download latest .iso from "releases"
Install VirtualBox
Create new virtual machine with type 'Other' and version 'Other/Unknown'
Download 'JOSusb.zip' from "releases"
Unzip the contents of the .zip file onto a FAT32 formatted USB
(If not using a UEFI system) Run 'make usb' with the path to your USB drive (on linux this will be something like /dev/sdx)
Launch using your systems boot manager
Download latest .iso from "releases"
Flash to USB drive or burn onto CDROM
Launch using your systems boot manager
Fails to boot with secure boot enabled, but that may vary based on hardware
The NASM assembler
GCC and Binutils compiled to the 'i686-elf' target (see here for more info)
After those are installed, just run the makefile to either the 'usb' or 'iso' target