This project is was built on top of our knowledge of ActiveRecord associations and tests.
Its a social media app similar to Facebook.
As a guest user:
- You will be able to create account/log in.
- You can see only “Sign in” and “Sign out” page.
As a logged-in user:
- You will be able to see all users list.
- You will be able to see selected user page with their user name and all posts written by them (the most recent posts on the top).
- You will be able to send a friendship invitation.
- You will see a button “Invite to friendship” next to the name of user who is not your friend yet - on both users’ list and single user page.
- You will be able to see pending friendship invitations sent to you from other users.
- You will be able to accept or reject friendships invitation.
- You will be able to create new posts (text only).
- You will be able to like/dislike posts (but you can like single post only once).
- You will be able to add comments to posts.
- You will be able to see “Timeline” page with posts (with number of likes and comments) written by you and all your friends (the most recent posts on the top).
- Timeline page is the root page of the app.
- Ruby v2.6.5
- Ruby on Rails v5.2.4
Gems used:
Devise (for user authentication)
Gravatar image tag (for accessing gravatar images of users)
Gems used for testing:
- Capybara
- Selenium webdriver
- Chromedriver helper
- Database cleaner
- Rspec-rails
- Shoulda matchers
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Ruby: 2.6.5
- Rails: 5.2.3
- Postgres: >= 9.5
Install gems with:
bundle install
Setup database with:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
Create users with:
rails db:seed
Login with email: 'example-{add a number between 1-16}', and password:'password'
Start server with:
rails server
Open http://localhost:3000/
in your browser.
👤 Tirthajyoti Ghosh
- Github: @Tirthajyoti Ghosh
- Twitter: @terrific_ghosh
- Linkedin: Tirthajyoti Ghosh
👤 Javier Oriol Correas Sanchez Cuesta
- Github: @javitocor
- Twitter: @JavierCorreas4
- Linkedin: Javier Oriol Correas Sanchez Cuesta
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Start by:
- Forking the project.
- Cloning the project to your local machine.
- cd into the project directory.
- Run git checkout -b your-branch-name.
- Make your contributions.
- Push your branch up to your forked repository.
- Open a Pull Request with a detailed description to the development branch of the original project for a review.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse
- Stackoverflow
- The Odin Project
MIT License