Chemistry can be a very troublesome subject to study because of variety of reasons such as lack of visualization, lot of memorization, scattering of resources everywhere etc. While we can't solve problems like memorization we can definately help with providing you a single go-to point to learn chemistry with visualization. Users of this application need not go look here and there as we aim to provide everything at a single source.
The Chemistry with java is an application which combines the Organic and the Inorganic world of Chemistry into a single application to promote the learning and the understanding of the subject by introducing visual aid to the subject.
The application is developed basically with three levels. The User Interface is built using the Swing framework. The Intermediate level we implement Java Database Connectivity for SQLite3 implying that the underlying base layer we use SQLite3 as the database. For the Organic world of Chemistry we use an API named OPSIN (Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC Nomenclature) which takes an IUPAC name of the Organic Compound and converts it into its structure.
- Organic Chemistry Panel - Enter IUPAC name and get the Chemical Formula as well as 2D and 3D depiction of the enter name
- Inorganic Chemistry Panel - View the periodic table as well see all the exciting properties of the elements in the periodic table along with their electron configuration
- Quiz Panel - Test your Chemisrty knowledge with a range of quizes
- Intro Screen
- Periodic Table (Inorganic Chemistry Panel)
- Element of periodic table (Inorganic Chemistry Panel)
- Organic Chemistry Panel
- Vaishnavi MP
- Mohammed Ameen
- Nisarg Devdhar
- Carlton Noronha