High Dimensional Model Representation (HDMR) with Uncorrelated and/or Correlated Input Variables: MATLAB and Python Toolboxes
High-Dimensional Model Representation (HDMR) using B-spline functions for variance-based global sensitivity analysis (GSA) with correlated and uncorrelated inputs. This function uses as input a
- Download and unzip the zip file 'MATLAB_code_HDMR_V2.0.zip' in a directory 'HDMR'
- Add the toolbox to your MATLAB search path by running the script 'install_HDMR.m' available in the root directory
- You are ready to run the examples.
- After intalling, you can simply direct to each example folder and execute the local 'example_X.m' file.
- Please make sure you read carefully the instructions (i.e., green comments) in 'install_HDMR.m'
- Download and unzip the zip file 'Python_code_HDMR_V2.0.zip' to a directory called 'HDMR'.
- Go to Command Prompt and directory of example_X in the root of 'HDMR'
- Now you can execute this example by typing 'python example_X.py'
- Instructions can be found in the file 'HDMR.py'
- Vrugt, Jasper A. (jasper@uci.edu)
- Gao, Y., C. Guilloteau, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, C. Xu, X. Sun, and J.A. Vrugt (2024), Soil moisture-cloud-precipitation feedback in the lower atmosphere from functional decomposition of satellite observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110347, https://doi.org/10.1029/2024GL110347
- Gao, Y., A. Sahin, and J.A. Vrugt (2023), Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis With Dependent Variables: Covariance-Based Decomposition of Hydrologic Models, Water Resources Research, 59 (4), e2022WR0328346, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR032834
- Chastaing, G., F. Gamboa, and C. Prieur (2012), Generalized Hoeffding-Sobol decomposition for dependent variables - application to sensitivity analysis, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 6, pp. 2420–2448, https://doi.org/10.1214/12-EJS749
- Li, G. H. Rabitz, P.E. Yelvington, O.O. Oluwole, F. Bacon, C.E. Kolb, and J. Schoendorf (2010), Global sensitivity analysis for systems with independent and/or correlated inputs, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114 (19), pp. 6022-6032
- 1.0
- Initial Release
- 2.0
- Python implementation
- New built-in case studies
- Example 1: Multivariate normal benchmark study
- Example 2: Multivariate normal benchmark study with correlated variables, $\Sigma \neq I$dentity matrix
- Example 3: Multivariate normal benchmark study with correlated variables, $\Sigma \neq I$dentity matrix
- Example 4: Ishigami function with uncorrelated variables
- Example 5: Ishigami function with correlated variables $\Sigma \neq I$dentity matrix
- Example 6: Function with $\Sigma \neq I$dentity matrix
- Example 7: Sobol
$g$ function - Example 8: Multivariate normal with correlated variables
- Example 9: Example 1 of Chastaing et al. (2012)
- Example 10: Example 2 of Chastaing et al. (2012)
- Example 21: Soil temperature modeling
- Example 22: Rainfall runoff modeling: hmodel
- Example 23: Rainfall runoff modeling: SAC-SMA model
- Example 24: One-predator-one-prey model
- Example 25: Two-predators-two-preys model
- Example 26: Two-predators-two-preys model with measured data
- Example 27: Simple multivariate function
The MATLAB toolbox is based on the published works of Dr. Genyuan Li from Princeton University. We greatly appreciate his diligent responses to our questions.
Left over: If you are running example_4 in 'MATLAB_code_HDMR_EXT_V1.0', please first download the folder 'MATLAB_code_HDMR_EXT_V1.0/example_4/samples' from our [Zenodo repository] (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7478901) and copypaste the folder 'samples' to 'yourdirectory/MATLAB_code_HDMR_EXT_V1.0/example_4'.