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Mixin Catalog
mikertjones edited this page Nov 1, 2012
94 revisions
This page serves to catalog shared underscore mixins, here and elsewhere.
Allows you to extend Underscore with your own utility functions. Pass a hash of {name: function} definitions to have your functions added to the Underscore object, as well as the OOP wrapper.
capitalize : function(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1).toLowerCase();
=> "Fabio"
(update me!)
- (Newest) Mike Jones, “Underscore.altWhere” https://gist.github.com/3995028 Extends the _.where concept to return object members based on a choice of values in a key:value pair.
Elliot Chong, underscore.deepExtend allows you to deeply combine two or more objects that share common object keys. Useful for combining complex hashmaps, such as:
_.deepExtend({ "name": { "first": "Earl" }, "job": "Mad Scientist" }, { "name": { "last": "Duncan" }});
results in{ "name": { "first": "Earl", "last": "Duncan" }, "job": "Mad Scientist" }
- Sam Breed, underscore.deferred implements jQuery-like deferreds in Underscore.
- Matt Mueller, Underscore Extension: Observer Pattern is a set of four Node-like methods – _.on, _.once, _.emit, and _.removeEvent.
- Oleg Slobodskoi (@oleg008) nodejs style _.inherits method using Object.create and fallback to cloning via prototype
- Esa-Matti Suuronen has a sweet git repo named underscore.string which adds many string functions to Underscore.js through mixins.
- Tim Wood created a mixin called Moment.js (originally “underscore.date”) that parses, validates, manipulates, and displays dates.
- Omar Yasin published a mixin in this gist that provides a ‘printf’-like functionality
- Xavier Spriet has this gist that has a mixin to emulate ruby’s Array#each_slice method.
- Francesco Agati provides this gist with _.selectIf
- Steven Black, in this gist _.filterObj: Return an object who’s members are culled to match a reference array of keys.
- Vladimir Dronnikov: object helpers _.freeze, _.proxy, _.get
- Vladimir Dronnikov: Practical JSON-schema validator
- Vladimir Dronnikov: Query Language For Arrays/Hashes
- thegrandpoobah suggests this _.retry mixin.
- OnesimusUnbound: counter and cycle generator mixin
- Marçal Juan: compact function for Objects mixin
- Mario T. Lanza: Roll your own objects using not just dynamic values, but dynamic keys.
- Arnau Sanchez: Mixins: merge, mash, takeWhile, mapDetect, uniqWith, flatten1.
- Adrian Lang: _.mapValues mapping Objects to Objects
- Paul Harper (benekastah): underscore.loop – adds scheme/clojure like recursive looping with tail-call optimization.
- Kevin Malakoff (kmalakoff): underscore-awesomer – many “awesome” functions like ‘toJSON’/‘parseJSON’ for instance serializaion/deserializaion, ‘compare’, ‘keypath’ for accessing nested properties, ‘remove’, ‘own’/‘disown’, ‘cloneToDepth’, ‘toType’ conversions using to{X} function as a fallback if the types don’t match, etc.
- Julian Burgess (aubergene): _.rotate – Array rotate mixin
- Trevor Parscal (trevorparscal): more-underscore – More stuff for underscore, such as ‘extendClass’ (prototypical inheritance), ‘objectify’ (combine array values with property names) and ‘traverse’ (get a value from a multi-level collection using an array of keys and indexes).
- tobias104 provides this _.indexBy gist – Combination of _.find and _.indexOf, that returns the index of the first item that passes the test.
- Mark Rushakoff (mark-rushakoff): function binding helpers – provides two functions similar to _.bindAll. _.bindFiltered takes a filter function that operates on function names, and _.bindMatching takes a regex for the names of which functions to bind.
- Adrian Rossouw (Vertice): Partial function application binders – provides a function called _.partial which allows you to bind specific arguments, leaving a closure. Also contains a _.wrapAsync, which turns non-async calls into the format node.js expects. _.partialAsync does both.
- Andreas Briese (AndreasBriese): Addon functions sum, mean, median and nrange (~enhanced range)
Simon Kågedal Reimer (skagedal): underscore-pickrandom.js — provides a function,
_.pickRandom(array, [n])
that picks random elements from an array. It works similar to_.first(_.shuffle(array, n))
, but is more efficient; it operates in time proportional ton
rather than the length of the whole array.
- Tony Stuck (toekneestuck): underscore.nl2br – A simple port of nl2br to Underscore for string manipulation.
- Ross Cairns (rc1): body – provides the middle/body of an Array.
This page is a bit hard to browse and quickly find what you need. I’d suggest: 1. group mixins by functionality; 2. emphasize what functions each mixin provides with a short description for each function (more like the underscore main page); 3. put less emphasis on the author. /skagedal (sorry if this isn’t the proper way of discussing wiki pages)