xray: a tool to help you reason about unix/linux file permissions.
This is alpha software produced in a research setting. This was mainly intended as a proof of concept and has been debugged to about that level. Many of the edges on this code are rough. I hope you will find this useful.
If you have questions, please contact me at jared.chandler@tufts.edu. I will do my best to help you out.
xray.py : The main program
xray_cmd_parser.py : Parses commands for the REPL
settings.py : Shares command line arguments between modules
Agents.py : Implements agent classes
DirTree.py : Converts input text format into data structure and performs symbolic execution
Python 2.7
* It may run on python 3.4
** It doesn't run under python 3.7 yet
*** I've run this with pypy for when I needed better performance. Refactoring is for the next version
python2.7 xray.py --file demo/demo.txt --groups demo/dmpcgroups.txt
The file argument is an ascii file containing information from your filesystem.
It can be created by running the command 'find /dirname -ls' where the directory name is something directly off the file system root and piping the output into an ascii file.
The groups argument is a listing of user names and groups they belong to, one username per line in the format:
username : group1 group2 group3
Welcome Banner
__ _______ __ __
\ \ / / __ \ /\ \ / / File Permission Query Environment
\ V /| |__) | / \ \_/ /
> < | _ / / /\ \ / File: demo/demo.txt
/ . \| | \ \ / ____ \| | Groups: demo/dmpcgroups.txt
/_/ \_\_| \_\/_/ \_\_| Root: /dmpc
Root is the top level directory from which permissions are inherited.
4 >
The number displayed is the aggregation depth for results from a query.
4 means that anything deeper than 4 directories from the root directory will
be summarized.
Depth can be set using the depth command:
4 > depth 5
Depth is 5
5 > depth 6
Depth is 6
4 >>>
When you see >>> that indicates that xray mode is on.
When xray mode is on, the calculated contstraint information will be displayed
under each location returned by the query.
xray mode can be set using the xray on | off command
4 > xray on
4 >>> xray off
4 >
type 'help' to see a list of commands
type 'help cmdname' to get more information about each command
# What can everyone find? ( Shows both true and false )
everyone can discover in /dmpc/.*
# What can everyone find? (Shows only the true cases)
example everyone can discover in /dmpc/.*
# Can use regex in path to limit to only PDFS
everyone can discover in .*pdf
# Can use group membership by 'users in groupname' form
users in hr can edit in /dmpc/hr/.*
# Can use explicitly named users
michael can edit in /dmpc/.*
# Can use counterexample to limit it query to only condition violations
counterexample michael can discover in /dmpc/.*
# Dual of the previous query
example michael cannot discover in /dmpc/.*
# Can you find a location by enumerating the files in each parent directory
# Can you get to a location if you already know the exact path
# Can you edit at a location if you already know the exact path
# Can you execute at a location if you already know the exact path