Quick and dirty eQ-3 MAX! to MQTT bridge using ESP8266. I'm running it on Wemos D1 mini with relay shield used to activate my gas furnace when heating is needed.
Mapping of CC1101 to ESP8266 pins is as follows, custom shield PCB to come.
CC11xx pins ESP pins Description
1 - VCC VCC 3v3
2 - GND GND Ground
3 - MOSI 13=D7 Data input to CC11xx
4 - SCK 14=D5 Clock pin
5 - MISO/GDO1 12=D6 Data output from CC11xx / serial clock from CC11xx
6 - GDO2 04=D2 Serial data to CC11xx
8 - CSN 15=D8 Chip select / (SPI_SS)
git clone git@github.com:janvotava/max2mqtt.git
cd max2mqtt
cp include/configuration_sample.h include/configuration.h # And ddit configuration file
platformio run --target upload
Can be done via MQTT.
mosquitto_pub -h $HOSTNAME -t max/set -m '{"address":"DEDABA"}'
mosquitto_pub -h $HOSTNAME -t max/rename -m '{"address":"123456","to":"living-room/wall-thermostat"}'
mosquitto_pub -h $HOSTNAME -t max/rename -m '{"address":"234567","to":"living-room/heater"}'
mosquitto_pub -h $HOSTNAME -t max/living-room/wall-thermostat/set -m '{"group":2,"room":"living-room","eco_temperature":4.5,"comfort_temperature":21.5,"display_actual_temperature":true,"boost_duration":30}'
mosquitto_pub -h $HOSTNAME -t max/living-room/heater/set -m '{"group":2,"room":"living-room","associate":"living-room/wall-thermostat","eco_temperature":4.5,"comfort_temperature":21.5,"decalc_weekday":"saturday","decalc_hour":12,"boost_duration":30}'
mosquitto_pub -h $HOSTNAME -t max/living-room/wall-thermostat/set -m '{"day":"monday","schedule":{"6:00":21.5,"22:30":4.5}}'
- documentation
- get rid of hardcoded configuration
- minimum valve position
- timezone
- etc.
- cleanup
- optimizations
- save just config files that we're changed
- etc.
- iplement rest of the features
- push button
- etc.
- CC1101 shield PCB
- 3D printed case