Enter the following command: sudo systemctl enable freeradius
I highly recommend that you hash your passwords. To do so, follow the steps below:
- Use the "
" command as shown in the link - Note the second "NT" hash. This is the hash we will use to store our passwords.
- Using a MySQL/MariaDB query, update the password for the user or create a new one entirely with the hashed password.
$ sudo su $ mysql $ INSERT INTO radius.radcheck (`username`,`attribute`,`op`,`value`) VALUES ('USERNAME','NT-Password',':=','HASH');
- Using the "
" command, test your new user. If you're having issues, there's a few things you can try:radtest "username" "password" localhost 0 testing123
- Restarting FreeRADIUS
- Use a different form of the command
- Edit your config files to use NTLM Hashing
- Contact Me - I will help you
- Errors with phpMyAdmin
- Need to add a User
- First, issue the following command:
sudo mysql
orsudo mariadb
- Use the commands found in Part 2
- First, issue the following command:
- Set wrong or forgot password
If you are going to have your server open to the internet, I highly recommend that you enable custom security features to keep yourself and your user's information safe from hackers. Here's a current list of the things I use and highly recommend:
- fail2ban
- Stops Brute-Force attakcs and malicious requests
- ".htaccess" only
Requires username and password authentication on the phpMyAdmin page, or your whole server in general
- Encrypts all traffic over port 443 (With Port Forwarding)
- Wildcard Certificates
- If you're having issues
- Configuration Checker
- Enable certificates with FreeRADIUS
- Where are my certs?
- Afterwards, enter the following command:
sudo service freeradius stop; sudo service freeradius start &