- Task 1. Implement standard DFT algorithm with C++.
As we all know, The DFT, discrete Fourier transform transforms, can be defined by follow formula:
$$ {\begin{aligned}X_{k}&=\sum {n=0}^{N-1}x{n}\cdot e^{-{\frac {2\pi i}{N}}kn}=\sum {n=0}^{N-1}x{n}\cdot [\cos(2\pi kn/N)-i\cdot \sin(2\pi kn/N)]\end{aligned}} $$ The last expression follows from the previous one by Euler's formula, which can caculate the exponent using cosine operates. We can implement the DFT formula with C++ as belows:
int standard_fft(vector<double> fft_in, vector<complex<double>> &fft_out)
// Standard fft algorithm without any optimization.
// Ref:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DFT
int N = fft_in.size();
for (size_t k = 0; k != N; ++k) {
//complex<double> x_n(0, 0);
double re = 0; // the real part
double im = 0; // the imag part
for (size_t n = 0; n != N; ++n) {
re += fft_in[n] * cos(-double(k * 2 * PI * n / N)); // Euler's formula: exp( i*x ) = cos_x + i*sin_x
im += fft_in[n] * sin(-double(k * 2 * PI * n / N));
//x_n += fft_in[n] * exp( (double)k *-1i * 2.0*PI* (double)( n )/double( N) );
// be careful for the division in C++
fft_out.push_back(complex<double>(re, im));
return 0;
Ps. The number of dft is the fft_i's size.
The standard DFT algorithm takes a long time to compute the retult and it's inefficient in real application.So we should consider the other faster algorithm , the famous solution is Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm.