Test app for verification of VTK built with support of QT+OpenGL
Unix VTK with QT5 and OpenGL
apt-get install vtk qt5 opengl
Windows VTK with QT and OpenGL installed.
C:\vcpkg>vcpkg install qt5 vtk[opengl] --triplet x64-windows
cd QVTKOpenGLWidget; mkdir build; cd !$ & cmake ..
Windows Under Visual Studio 2019 (Community Edition) Developer Command Prompt
cd QVTKOpenGLWidget
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
devenv /rebuild Release qvtkopengl.sln
devenv /rebuild Debug qvtkopengl.sln
The application will launch as below, you can use the mouse to move around the cylinder and zoom in and out with the Middle mouse wheel.