Display Driver for the Wide.HK 20x4 SSD1311 Character mode OLED display
This display library implements output and positioning along with custom character sets for the Wide.HK 20x4 OLED Display which can be purchased online at the Wide.HK Store
To use with a Raspberry-Pi (I used a Zero); connect the
SCL/SDA/3V3/GND pins (I used I2C1) and copy the source code to your system.
Issue the "make" command and build the application. Run the oledtest as below:
$./oledtest /dev/i2c-1
The application will run a demo showing features of the display and cycling through all of the CGROM contents.
The display is low power, small, and lightweight and may be used in a wide variety of embedded applications where a high visibility text display is required that will operate in a wide variety of lighting conditions.