Computer Systems Engineering Student at Instituto Tecnológico de Acapulco 💻
Passionate about technology, software development, Linux, cloud computing, web and mobile applications, cybersecurity, and DevOps.
I focus on backend development with Python and web technologies like Astro and Svelte, but I also enjoy exploring mobile app development with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. My goal is to build scalable and impactful solutions while continuously learning and growing as a developer.
val developer = Developer(
name = "Jaen",
skills = listOf("Kotlin", "Python", "Java", "JavaScript"),
tools = mapOf(
"Android Studio" to "Mobile App Development",
"Visual Studio Code" to "Web Development",
"IntelliJ IDEA" to "Coding",
"Neovim" to "Text Editing"
technologies = listOf("FastAPI", "PostgreSQL", "MongoDB", "Docker", "Linux"),
interests = listOf("Cybersecurity", "Cloud Computing", "DevOps", "APIs"),
currentChallenge = "Building scalable systems with Python and FastAPI",
goals = "Contribute to meaningful projects and support underrepresented communities through technology"
- Backend Development: Focused on building APIs with FastAPI and Python.
- Web Development: Creating interactive web apps with frameworks like Astro and Svelte.
- Mobile Development: Experience with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose for Android.
- Cloud and DevOps: Exploring containerization with Docker and cloud computing solutions.
- Cybersecurity: Interested in building secure applications and APIs.
- LinkedIn: @jaennova
- Email:
- Portfolio: Go to my portfolio
Feel free to reach out for collaboration or just to chat about tech!