- Compiled by James Barnsley
- May 2012
This CustomCaptcha module extends the functionality of Silverstripe's 'SpamProtection' and 'UserForms' modules to allow clean, secure and user-friendly Captcha validation.
1 - Install the SpamProtection Module ( This module enables all kinds of spam protection and is an extension built by SilverStripe themselves
2 - Install the UserForms Module ( This module enables extremely user-friendly form building within the CMS
3 - Install SilverstripeCaptcha (this module) To install (as per previous modules), extract the files and copy the folder into the root of your Silverstripe install (ie public_html/silverstripecaptcha/)
4 - Set your Spam Protector as CustomCaptcha in your site's config (usually /mysite/_config.php) Add this line to the end of the _config.php file: SpamProtectorManager::set_spam_protector('CustomCaptcha');
5 - Run a cache build (/dev?build=1)
6 - In your UserForms form, you will now see a new form type 'Validation'. This is where your new captcha will appear.
7 - Done!
PHP CAPTCHA IMAGE GENERATOR: Copyright 2011 Cory LaViska for A Beautiful Site, LLC. ( Dual licensed under the MIT / GPLv2 licenses
JAVASCRIPT SHA256 FUNCTION: Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Alex Weber