PSQP - A sequential quadratic programming algorithm for general nonlinear programming problems.
This is work in progress to refactor the original PSQP (by Ladislav Luksan) into Modern Fortran. The latest API documentation can be found here.
The double-precision FORTRAN 77 basic subroutine PSQP is designed to find a close approximation to a local minimum of a nonlinear objective function F(X) with simple bounds on variables and general nonlinear constraints. Here X is a vector of N variables and F(X), is a smooth function. Simple bounds are assumed in the form
X(I) unbounded if IX(I) = 0,
XL(I) <= X(I) if IX(I) = 1,
X(I) <= XU(I) if IX(I) = 2,
XL(I) <= X(I) <= XU(I) if IX(I) = 3,
XL(I) = X(I) = XU(I) if IX(I) = 5,
where 1 <= I <= N. General nonlinear constraints are assumed in the form
C_I(X) unbounded if IC(I) = 0,
CL(I) <= C_I(X) if IC(I) = 1,
C_I(X) <= CU(I) if IC(I) = 2,
CL(I) <= C_I(X) <= CU(I) if IC(I) = 3,
CL(I) = C_I(X) = CU(I) if IC(I) = 5,
where C_I(X), 1 <= I <= NC, are twice continuously differentiable functions.
To simplify user's work, an additional easy to use subroutine PSQPN is added. It calls the basic general subroutine PSQP. All subroutines contain a description of formal parameters and extensive comments. Furthermore, test program TSQPN is included, which contains several test problems. This test programs serve as an example for using the subroutine PSQPN, verify its correctness and demonstrate its efficiency.
In this short guide, we describe all subroutines which can be called from the user's program. In the description of formal parameters, we introduce a type of the argument that specifies whether the argument must have a value defined on entry to the subroutine (I), whether it is a value which will be returned (O), or both (U), or whether it is an auxiliary value (A). Note that the arguments of the type I can be changed on output under some circumstances, especially if improper input values were given. Besides formal parameters, we can use a COMMON /STAT/ block containing statistical information. This block, used in each subroutine has the following form:
The arguments have the following meaning:
Argument Type Significance
NRES O Positive INTEGER variable that indicates the number of
NDEC O Positive INTEGER variable that indicates the number of
matrix decompositions.
NRED O Positive INTEGER variable that indicates the number of
NREM O Positive INTEGER variable that indicates the number of
constraint deletions during the QP solutions.
NADD O Positive INTEGER variable that indicates the number of
constraint additions during the QP solutions.
NIT O Positive INTEGER variable that indicates the number of
NFV O Positive INTEGER variable that indicates the number of
function evaluations.
NFG O Positive INTEGER variable that specifies the number of
gradient evaluations.
NFH O Positive INTEGER variable that specifies the number of
Hessian evaluations.
The calling sequence is
The arguments have the following meaning.
Argument Type Significance
NF I Positive INTEGER variable that specifies the number of
variables of the objective function.
NB I Nonnegative INTEGER variable that specifies whether the
simple bounds are suppressed (NB=0) or accepted (NB>0).
NC I Nonnegative INTEGER variable that specifies the number
of general nonlinear constraints; if NC=0 the
general nonlinear constraints are suppressed.
X(NF) U On input, DOUBLE PRECISION vector with the initial
estimate to the solution. On output, the approximation
to the minimum.
IX(NF) I On input (significant only if NB>0) INTEGER vector
containing the simple bounds types:
IX(I)=0 - the variable X(I) is unbounded,
IX(I)=1 - the lower bound X(I) >= XL(I),
IX(I)=2 - the upper bound X(I) <= XU(I),
IX(I)=3 - the two side bound XL(I) <= X(I) <= XU(I),
IX(I)=5 - the variable X(I) is fixed (given by its
initial estimate).
XL(NF) I DOUBLE PRECISION vector with lower bounds for variables
(significant only if NB>0).
XU(NF) I DOUBLE PRECISION vector with upper bounds for variables
(significant only if NB>0).
CF(NC) A DOUBLE PRECISION vector which contains values of
constraint functions (only if NC>0).
IC(NC) I On input (significant only if NC>0) INTEGER vector which
contains constraint types:
IC(K)=0 - the constraint CF(K) is not used,
IC(K)=1 - the lower constraint CF(K) >= CL(K),
IC(K)=2 - the upper constraint CF(K) <= CU(K),
IC(K)=3 - the two side constraint
CL(K) <= CF(K) <= CU(K),
IC(K)=5 - the equality constraint CF(K) = CL(K).
CL(NC) I DOUBLE PRECISION vector with lower bounds for constraint
functions (significant only if NC>0).
CU(NC) I DOUBLE PRECISION vector with upper bounds for constraint
functions (significant only if NC>0).
IPAR(6) A INTEGER parameters:
Parameters MIT, MFV, MET, MEC are described in Section 3
together with other parameters of the subroutine PSQP.
Parameters XMAX, TOLX, TOLC, TOLG, RPF are described
in Section 3 together with other parameters of the
subroutine PSQP.
F O DOUBLE PRECISION value of the objective function at the
solution X.
GMAX O DOUBLE PRECISION maximum absolute value of a partial
derivative of the Lagrangian function.
CMAX O maximum constraint violation.
IPRNT I INTEGER variable that specifies PRINT:
IPRNT= 0 - print is suppressed,
IPRNT= 1 - basic print of final results,
IPRNT=-1 - extended print of final results,
IPRNT= 2 - basic print of intermediate and final
IPRNT=-2 - extended print of intermediate and final
ITERM O INTEGER variable that indicates the cause of termination:
ITERM= 1 - if |X - XO| was less than or equal to TOLX
in MTESX subsequent iterations,
ITERM= 2 - if |F - FO| was less than or equal to TOLF
in MTESF subsequent iterations,
ITERM= 3 - if F is less than or equal to TOLB,
ITERM= 4 - if GMAX is less than or equal to TOLG,
ITERM=11 - if NIT exceeded MIT,
ITERM=12 - if NFV exceeded MFV,
ITERM< 0 - if the method failed. If ITERM=-6, then the
termination criterion has not been satisfied,
but the point obtained is usually acceptable.
The subroutine PSQPN requires the user supplied subroutines OBJ, DOBJ that define the objective function and its gradient and CON, DCON that define constraint functions and their gradients. These subroutines have the form
The arguments of the user supplied subroutine have the following meaning.
Argument Type Significance
NF I Positive INTEGER variable that specifies the number of
variables of the objective function.
X(NF) I DOUBLE PRECISION an estimate to the solution.
F O DOUBLE PRECISION value of the objective function at the
point X.
G(NF) O DOUBLE PRECISION gradient of the objective function
at the point X.
KC I INTEGER index of the partial function.
FC O DOUBLE PRECISION value of the KC-th partial function at
the point X.
GC(NF) O DOUBLE PRECISION gradient of the KC-th partial function
at the point X.
This general subroutine is called from all the subroutines described in Section 2. The calling sequence is
The arguments NF, NB, NC, X, IX, XL, XU, CF, IC, CL, CU, CMAX, GMAX, F, IPRNT, ITERM, have the same meaning as in Section 2. Other arguments have the following meaning:
Argument Type Significance
CG(NF*NC) A DOUBLE PRECISION elements of the constraint Jacobian
CFO(NC+1) A DOUBLE PRECISION vector which contains old values of
constraint functions.
CFD(NC) A DOUBLE PRECISION vector of constraint function
GC(NF) A DOUBLE PRECISION gradient of the constraint function.
ICA(NC) A INTEGER vector containing indices of active constraints.
CR(NCR) A DOUBLE PRECISION matrix containing triangular
decomposition of the orthogonal projection kernel
(NCR is equal to NF*(NF+1)/2).
CZ(NF) A DOUBLE PRECISION vector of Lagrange multipliers.
of linear manifold defined by active constraints.
CP(NF) A DOUBLE PRECISION auxiliary array.
GF(NF) A DOUBLE PRECISION gradient of the objective function.
G(NF) A DOUBLE PRECISION gradient of the Lagrangian function.
H(NH) A DOUBLE PRECISION variable metric approximation of the
Hessian matrix of the Lagrangian function.
S(NF) A DOUBLE PRECISION direction vector.
XO(NF) A DOUBLE PRECISION vector which contains increments of
GO(NF) A DOUBLE PRECISION vector which contains increments of
XMAX I DOUBLE PRECISION maximum stepsize; the choice XMAX=0
causes that the default value 1.0D+3 will be taken.
TOLX I DOUBLE PRECISION tolerance for the change of the
coordinate vector X; the choice TOLX=0 causes that the
default value TOLX=1.0D-16 will be taken.
TOLC I DOUBLE PRECISION tolerance for the constraint violation;
the choice TOLC=0 causes that the default
value TOLC=1.0D-6 will be taken.
TOLG I DOUBLE PRECISION tolerance for the Lagrangian function
gradient; the choice TOLG=0 causes that the default
value TOLG=1.0D-6 will be taken.
RPF I DOUBLE PRECISION value of the penalty coefficient; the
choice RPF=0 causes that the default value 1.0D-4 will
be taken.
MIT I INTEGER variable that specifies the maximum number of
iterations; the choice MIT=0 causes that the default
value 1000 will be taken.
MFV I INTEGER variable that specifies the maximum number of
function evaluations; the choice |MFV|=0 causes that
the default value 2000 will be taken.
MET I INTEGER variable that specifies the variable metric
MET=1 - the BFGS update is used.
MET=2 - the Hoshino update is used.
The choice MET=0 causes that the default value MET=1
will be taken.
MEC I INTEGER variable that specifies a correction when the
negative curvature is detected:
MEC=1 - correction is not used.
MEC=2 - the Powell correction is used.
The choice MEC=0 causes that the default value MEC=2
will be taken.
The default velue RPF=0.0001 is relatively small. Therefore, larger value (RPF=1 say) can sometimes be more suitable.
The subroutine PSQP requires the user supplied subroutines OBJ DOBJ, CON, DCON, which are described in Section 2.
Since the dual range space method for solving quadratic programming subproblems arising in sequential quadratic programming algorithms can be used separately in many applications, we describe the subroutine PLQDB1 in more details. The calling sequence is
The arguments NF, NC, X, IX, XL, XU, CF, IC, CL, CU, have the same meaning as in Section 2 (only with the difference that the arguments X and CF are of the type (I), i.e. they must have a value defined on entry to ULQDF1 and they are not changed). The arguments CFD, ICA, CG, CR, CZ have the same meaning as in Section 3 (only with the difference that the arguments CFD, ICA, CR, CZ are of the type (O), i.e. their values can be used subsequently). Other arguments have the following meaning:
Argument Type Significance
G(NF) O DOUBLE PRECISION gradient of the Lagrangian function.
GO(NF) A DOUBLE PRECISION old gradient of the Lagrangian
H(NH) U DOUBLE PRECISION Choleski decomposition of the
approximate Hessian (NH is equal to NF*(NF+1)/2).
S(NF) O DOUBLE PRECISION direction vector.
MFP I INTEGER variable that specifies the type of the
computed point.
MFP=1 - computation is terminated whenever an
arbitrary feasible point is found,
MFP=2 - computation is terminated whenever an
optimum feasible point is found,
MFP=3 - computation starts from the previously
reached point and is terminated whenever
an optimum feasible point is found.
KBF I INTEGER variable that specifies simple bounds on
KBF=0 - simple bounds are suppressed,
KBF=1 - one sided simple bounds,
KBF=2 - two sided simple bounds.
KBC I INTEGER variable that specifies general linear
KBC=0 - linear constraints are suppressed,
KBC=1 - one sided linear constraints,
KBC=2 - two sided linear constraints.
IDECF U INTEGER variable that specifies the type of matrix
IDECF= 0 - no decomposition,
IDECF= 1 - Choleski decomposition,
IDECF= 9 - inversion,
IDECF=10 - diagonal matrix.
ETA2 I DOUBLE PRECISION tolerance for positive definiteness
in the Choleski decomposition.
ETA9 I DOUBLE PRECISION maximum floating point number.
EPS7 I DOUBLE PRECISION tolerance for linear independence
of constraints (the recommended value is 1.0D-10).
EPS9 I DOUBLE PRECISION tolerance for the definition of active
constraints (the recommended value is 1.0D-8).
UMAX O DOUBLE PRECISION maximum absolute value of the negative
Lagrange multiplier.
GMAX O DOUBLE PRECISION infinity norm of the gradient of the
Lagrangian function.
N O INTEGER dimension of a manifold defined by active
ITERQ O INTEGER variable that indicates the type of the
computed feasible point.
ITERQ= 1 - an arbitrary feasible point was found,
ITERQ= 2 - the optimum feasible point was found,
ITERQ=-1 - an arbitrary feasible point does not
ITERQ=-2 - the optimum feasible point does not
Subroutine PSQPN can be verified and tested using the program TSQPN. This program calls the subroutines TIND07 (initiation), TFFU07 (objective function evaluation), TFGU07 (objective gradient evaluation), TCFU07 (constraint functions evaluation) and TFGU07 (constraint gradients evaluation) containing 34 equality constrained test problems with at most 20 variables. The results obtained by the program TSQPN on a PC computer with Microsoft Power Station Fortran compiler have the following form.
NIT= 7 NFV= 7 NFG= 7 F=-1.41421 C=0.8E-08 G=0.4E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 12 NFV= 12 NFG= 12 F=-1.00000 C=0.5E-10 G=0.6E-07 ITERM= 4
NIT= 10 NFV= 11 NFG= 10 F=-30.0000 C=0.3E-10 G=0.8E-08 ITERM= 4
NIT= 6 NFV= 6 NFG= 6 F= 1.28072 C=0.0E+00 G=0.4E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 36 NFV= 40 NFG= 36 F=0.284597E-01 C=0.0E+00 G=0.1E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 11 NFV= 13 NFG= 11 F= 1.00000 C=0.0E+00 G=0.4E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 6 NFV= 6 NFG= 6 F=-6961.81 C=0.7E-08 G=0.1E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 4 NFV= 4 NFG= 4 F= 40.1987 C=0.0E+00 G=0.2E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 9 NFV= 9 NFG= 9 F= 13.3567 C=0.3E-06 G=0.8E-07 ITERM= 4
NIT= 16 NFV= 23 NFG= 16 F=-22.6274 C=0.9E-11 G=0.3E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 14 NFV= 14 NFG= 14 F= 1.00000 C=0.0E+00 G=0.8E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 10 NFV= 13 NFG= 10 F= 6.00000 C=0.2E-12 G=0.1E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 54 NFV= 71 NFG= 54 F= 6299.84 C=0.4E-15 G=0.2E-07 ITERM= 4
NIT= 8 NFV= 8 NFG= 8 F=-.834032 C=0.3E-07 G=0.3E-08 ITERM= 4
NIT= 30 NFV= 30 NFG= 30 F=-1162.12 C=0.0E+00 G=0.1E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 74 NFV= 76 NFG= 74 F= 4.75530 C=0.0E+00 G=0.4E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 22 NFV= 22 NFG= 22 F= 727.679 C=0.4E-14 G=0.7E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 11 NFV= 14 NFG= 11 F=-44.0000 C=0.9E-12 G=0.8E-07 ITERM= 4
NIT= 29 NFV= 35 NFG= 29 F=-210.408 C=0.2E-13 G=0.1E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 4 NFV= 4 NFG= 4 F=-30665.0 C=0.3E-08 G=0.1E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 11 NFV= 30 NFG= 11 F=-.528034E+07 C=0.0E+00 G=0.1E-07 ITERM= 4
NIT= 21 NFV= 21 NFG= 21 F=-1.90516 C=0.1E-08 G=0.2E-10 ITERM= 4
NIT= 10 NFV= 12 NFG= 10 F= 5.00000 C=0.2E-11 G=0.8E-07 ITERM= 4
NIT= 45 NFV= 50 NFG= 45 F= 135.076 C=0.3E-14 G=0.3E-07 ITERM= 4
NIT= 10 NFV= 10 NFG= 10 F= 4.07125 C=0.0E+00 G=0.7E-10 ITERM= 4
NIT= 16 NFV= 19 NFG= 16 F= 680.630 C=0.1E-11 G=0.5E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 26 NFV= 35 NFG= 26 F= 221.878 C=0.2E-15 G=0.3E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 32 NFV= 33 NFG= 32 F= 3.95116 C=0.9E-11 G=0.6E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 21 NFV= 21 NFG= 21 F= 7049.25 C=0.4E-07 G=0.1E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 16 NFV= 16 NFG= 16 F=-.866025 C=0.2E-08 G=0.2E-09 ITERM= 4
NIT= 22 NFV= 24 NFG= 22 F= 24.3062 C=0.5E-12 G=0.3E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 22 NFV= 22 NFG= 22 F= 32.3487 C=0.8E-12 G=0.1E-06 ITERM= 4
NIT= 77 NFV= 77 NFG= 77 F= 174.787 C=0.6E-11 G=0.4E-10 ITERM= 4
NIT= 32 NFV= 35 NFG= 32 F= 133.728 C=0.9E-13 G=0.8E-06 ITERM= 4
NITER = 734 NFVAL = 823 NSUCC = 34
TIME= 0:00:00.03
The rows corresponding to individual test problems contain the number of iterations NIT, the number of function evaluations NFV, the number of gradient evaluations NFG, the final value of the objective function F, the constraint violation C, the norm of the Lagrangian function gradient G and the cause of termination ITERM.