API developers are the worst. They break things when you're in the middle of adding a sweet feature to the client application.
You could add fixture data, but during development it's likely to go stale, and you still have to serve it.
planb makes it easy to fetch fresh API data when the API is up and serve it when it's down.
$ npm install -g planb
$ cd /path/to/project
$ planb init
Project initialized
$ planb add "http://reddit.com/r/node.json"
endpoint added
$ planb add "http://reddit.com/r/node.json" -p 5001
endpoint added
$ planb fetch
Updating reddit.com/r/node.json for port 5000
Updating reddit.com/r/node.json for port 5001
$ planb list
| | 5000 | get | reddit.com/r/node.json |
| 0 | Wed Jun 10 2015 22:26:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) |
| | 5001 | get | reddit.com/r/node.json |
| 0 | Wed Jun 10 2015 22:26:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) |
$ planb serve
Listening on port 5000
Listening on port 5001
$ planb
Usage: index [options] [command]
init Initialize a project in current directory
add [url] Add a new endpoint
list List all endpoint versions
fetch Fetch and store a new version for each endpoint
rollback [endpoint] Rollback the endpoint's current version
remove [endpoint] Remove the endpoint and all its versions
diff [endpoint] [v1] [v2] Diff versions. With no version numbers,
diffs the current version with the previous
serve Serve local versions
-h, --help output usage information
-p, --port <port> Set port. Default: 5000
-a, --action <action> Set action. Default: get
After planb serve
, swap references to the API domain with localhost:5000
. In the above example, data will be available at localhost:5000/r/node.json
and localhost:5001/r/node.json
A project is initialized if a .planb.json
file is found in the current directory, or a parent directory all the way up to /
. Running planb init
will create a .planb.json
config file and a .planb.d
data directory. The config created from the above example would look like:
"endpoints": {
"5000": {
"get": [
"default": true
"5001": {
"get": [
You can add endpoints directly to the config and run planb fetch
, skipping planb add ...
. If the data directory isn't present but the config is, planb fetch
will create it.
- Exact query strings must be used. Order matters. So,
will not be the same endpoint asexample.com/api?other=param&type=test
$ npm test