This is a RESTful service for play tic-tac-toe ganme. It implements by Java with Jersey framwork and Grizzy web framwork.
You don't need clone this project. Just pull the docker image then can use it.
docker pull jackychu/study:tic-tac-toe
Then run the image
docker run -p 9090:8080 -t -i jackychu/study:tic-tac-toe
The url will be
This RESTful service is statful. Which mean each new session will store every game status. You can use curl command or postman app to use this service. Strong suggest to using postman. It will be easy to handle cookies. All response data is in json format. There are two different types:
- Game data example:
- Error massage example:
{"message":"Game not found for ID: 6344700d-62e3-4870-9676-7149ef5e925f"}
Start new session
If you just start the service, there is no session data in the system. You can use GET ALL api to start a new session. HTTP GET Request URL: http://localhost:9090/tictactoe/api/v1.0/game/all
curl command:
curl --cookie-jar headers.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/tictactoe/api/v1.0/game/all
!!!! Only use --cookie-jar at first time !!!!
Get all games
Method URL Parameter Request Payload Response Body GET game id Empty games map json object Response Example:
{"163ee5c9-8e1c-4ef1-b982-cf467354cf9c": {"id":"163ee5c9-8e1c-4ef1-b982-cf467354cf9c","dimension":3,"grid":[[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"status":"START","winner":0,"lastUpdateTime":1505793050913}}
curl command:
curl -b headers.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/tictactoe/api/v1.0/game/all
Create a new game
Method URL Parameter Request Payload Response Body POST None Empty game json object Response Example:
curl command:
curl -b headers.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9090/tictactoe/api/v1.0/game
Get game
Method URL Parameter Request Payload Response Body GET game id Empty game json object Response Example:
curl command:
curl -b headers.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/tictactoe/api/v1.0/game/163ee5c9-8e1c-4ef1-b982-cf467354cf9c
Update game
Method URL Parameter Request Payload Response Body PUT game id game json object game json object Request Payload Example:
Response Example:
curl command:
curl -b headers.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"id":"f7f2eda8-d548-4940-a45b-9728da36cccd","dimension":3,"grid":[[2,1,1],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]}' http://localhost:9090/tictactoe/api/v1.0/game/f7f2eda8-d548-4940-a45b-9728da36cccd
Update game and game end
There are two situations the game will end. The game status value will be END.
The game board full
If no winner, then the winner value is 0.
Has winner
The winner value will be 1 (player 1) or 2 (player 2).
Delete game
Method URL Parameter Request Payload Response Body DELETE game id Empty Empty curl command:
curl -b headers.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/tictactoe/api/v1.0/game/163ee5c9-8e1c-4ef1-b982-cf467354cf9c
You welcome to clone the code to your PC. After you clone out the project. You can use maven to build and run it.
mvn install
mvn exec:java
The javadoc already includes in the repository.
mvn javadoc:javadoc
Test JavaDoc
You also can generate test-javadoc for Test classes.
mvn javadoc:test-javadoc