Fetch media from a public Instagram feed, without the need for the API. Yeah, it's a down and dirty scraping plugin.
You probably shouldn't use this on an important website because it breaks every time Instagram changes their markup.
{{ instagrizzle username="jackmcdade" limit="5" offset="1" }}
<a href="{{ link }}">
<img src="{{ image }}">
{{ /instagrizzle }}
Instagram username of the feed you want to pull.
Limit the items returned.
Offset the items returned.
There are a lot of variables to access from the Instagram response object. You can use the debug tag to explore the data available to you.
{{ instagrizzle:debug username="jackmcdade" }}
There are currently two config options.
Set the default username for the plugin across your whole site.
username: jackmcdade
Set how many seconds you would like to cache the Instagram response object. Default is 3600 (1 hour).
cache_length: 3600
v2 Note: Instagram changed their redesign on June 9th, 2015, and the data available to Instagrizzle is more limited. I did my best to add backwards compatibility for the basic image data, but other than that, use the {{ instagram:debug }}
tag to see what you have to work with, and God Speed. This is a dirty hacky solution to avoid API authentication.