Since version 2.4.3, OnlySwitch supports contributing to Evolution Gallery. Everyone can share Evolutions on OnlySwitch.
Before contributing, please make sure these:
- The Evolution can normally run for everyone.
- The Evolution should better be in English.
- The Evolution actions aren't dependent on other Apps, except OnlySwitch.
The unqualified contributions will be rejected.
The shared Evolution are stored in a JSON file, and the format is this:
"id": "06CE3D9D-354B-4315-9EB2-FDB81720307E",
"name": "Stage Manager",
"icon_name": "squares.leading.rectangle",
"type": "Switch",
"description": "Toggle Stage Manager(Ventura or higher)",
"author": "jacklandrin",
"on_command": {
"type": "shell",
"command": "defaults write GloballyEnabled -bool true"
"off_command": {
"type": "shell",
"command": "defaults write GloballyEnabled -bool false"
"check_command": {
"type": "shell",
"command": "defaults read GloballyEnabled",
"true_condition": "1"
"id": "55B6E9FD-1FFE-4779-B0BE-D7BAF5EC5D2B",
"name": "Update Software",
"icon_name": "",
"type": "Button",
"description": "Check and update software installed via AppStore",
"author": "jacklandrin",
"single_command": {
"type": "shell",
"command": "softwareupdate -i -a"
- id: Each Evolution needs an UUID as its unique identification
- name: Evolution's name
- icon_name: a SF symbol name
- type: "Switch" or "Button"
- description: describe the functionality of the Evolution
- author: contributor's name
If type is "Switch":
- on_command: the command to turn on the switch. type: "shell" or "applescript". If the type is shell, you need to add extra escape character. Same below fields,
- off_command: the command to turn off the switch.
- check_command: the command to check if the switch is on. true_condition is the output when switch is on. If type is "Button":
- single_command: the command when press the button
New Evolution can be contributed by pull request. If the contributor isn't a Github user, OnlySwitch also accepts contributions from email.
- Check if the Evlution is eligible.
- Fork the repo
- Checkout a new branch
- Add the new Evolution information on
following the rule. - Commit your modified json file
- Push your branch
- Create a pull request
- Congratulations! You are done now, and your Evolution should be pulled in or otherwise noticed in a while. If a maintainer suggests some changes, just make them on your branch locally and push.
Contributors also can send email to Just you have to keep the json format above.