A CLI-based application that leverages an external recipe API and allows users to search for specific recipes and add them to their saved recipes list.
A To-Do List application built with Vue.js to create and track task items.
A personal portfolio website. In progress!👩🔧
jackieodonnell / PayBack-App
Forked from Medic1111/BORROW-APPA mobile-based app that allows users to manage lending and borrowing money with friends and family. Built with Express, PostgreSQL, and React. Awarded "Most Creative App" at the GDI 2022 Hackathon.
A real-time KPI dashboard that leverages the PayBack live database to analyze users, loans, and application usage data.
Browser-based learning portal built with Vue.js, Java Spring Boot, and PostgreSQL; enables teachers and students to manage courses, lessons, assignments, and grades
A mobile-friendly original word game built with Vue.js. The goal is to use all letters on the board in as few 5-letter words as possible.
Peer-to-peer money transfer CLI demo using Spring Boot. Allowed authenticated users to view their balance, transaction history, provide a list of valid users, and send money to those users.
Console-based game in Java modeled after Deal Or No Deal, utilizing multiple data structures to store user input and compute system output.
A simulated vending machine application in Java that reacts to user input and utilizes the OOP principles of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.