This application is for managing online learning. It helps teachers and students to keep track of their courses, homework assignments and grades.
Live site:
- Teachers have the ability to create new courses and lessons, as demonstrated below:
- Teachers can add/edit lessons and assignments:
- Teachers can view student grades, update a student's assignment status and score, and provide feedback:
- Students can enroll in available courses, view lessons, submit assignments, and track their own grades and progress for each course:
Java, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Vue.js, JavaScript, Maven, JUnit, Cypress, Mocha
You must have JDK 11 or higher installed on your machine in order for the source code to compile.
From the project root, execute the following commands to create a local database and run the server-side app:
cd capstone/java/database
cd ..
npm install
npm run dev
From the project root, execute the following commands to run the client-side app:
cd capstone/vue
npm install
npm run serve
This project was built using Agile methodologies to meet MVP requirements within a 10-day timeline. With more development time, our team would like to implement the following additional features:
- A third user account type for school administrators with theme customization options
- A fourth user account type for parents to view their child's course progress and communicate with teachers
- Ability to upload files as a homework submission type
- Ability to create and take quizzes as another "assignment" type
Incrementum was built in collaboration with fellow Tech Elevator alumnae Mark Darby, Phillips Preston, and William Kendig.