Exploratory data analysis and visualization of fires in Sardinia from 2005 to 2016.
You will need to download several datasets freely available on the Opendata Sardegna portal. See to the notebook sardinia-fires.ipynb
Create a conda environment. You can use either Miniconda or Anaconda.
conda create --name sardinia-fires python=3.6 --yes
Activate the environment.
source activate sardinia-fires
Install all the dependencies (this might take a while):
conda install -c conda-forge geopandas jupyter --yes
Note: there seem to be some issues with fiona (one of geopandas's dependencies). I had to downgrade to fiona 1.7.9
conda install -c conda-forge fiona=1.7.9
When all dependencies have been installed, run the notebook:
jupyter notebook
You can freeze your environment with:
conda env export > environment.yml
To remove this conda environment, run:
conda env remove -n sardinia-fires
Mauro Melis created a really cool "scrollytelling" data visualization using the same datasets: Sardinia on Fire. His entry won the Sardegna Open Data data visualization contest in 2018.