A tiny script to make JIRA kanban board better... like... not eyes bleeding.
Install Tampermonkey extension for your browser:
Install Javascript via Greasy Fork:
Wanna contribute? Great!
You need Tampermonkey first, please, follow the first step in previous list. Then return here.
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/jaCUBE/media-factory-jira-condensed.git
packages:npm i
gulp watch
in your folder, it will watch and minify JS file:npx gulp watch
Allow Tampermonkey extension to access local files.
- Visit Chrome extension settings page at: chrome://extensions/
- Find Tampermonkey, click to
- Turn
Allow access to file URLs
checkbox on
Create new Tampermonkey script for dev purposes (load JS file from localhost). Disable original one.
- ❗ Replace your own
// @require
filepath according to your cloned folder. - Example filepath:
- Final Tampermonkey dev script template:
// ==UserScript== // @name [DEV] MEDIA FACTORY: JIRA Kanban Board Condensed // @namespace http://jira.mediafactory.cz/ // @description DEVELOPER VERSION. Make your eyes *not* to bleed with new board. // @match *jira.mediafactory.cz/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?*rapidView=* // @require <------REPLACE-ME-WITH-YOUR-FILEPATH------> // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript==
- ❗ Replace your own
Easily switch between production version linked to GreasyFork and your local file.