UnitDemandGenerator is a demand generation tool for daily demand requests for platoon, company, MLR, and MEF sized-elements in competition, crisis, or conflict states.
There are two options for running this project, in the browser or locally.
Follow this link to the online notebook. Alternatively, click on UnitDemandGeneratorOnline.ipynb in this repository and then the "Open in Collab" button that appears at the top.
To run the code in Google Collab, navigate to the RunTime menu, and then run all. If prompted that this is not a native Google Collab file, select run anyway.

To view the outputs, select files from the side menu, then the outputs folder. In the outputs folder, all the spreadsheets will be organized by class, state, and unit. There will also be an all_data file that will contain all the data without the organizational categories listed.

To open a spreadsheet, double-click on the .csv to open. Pull the slider bar to view the spreadsheet to desired size.

To download a spreadsheet, click the hamburger menu icon (three dots) next to the file name and select download.

This project requires Python with the following libraries.
- Numpy
- Pandas
Setup your environment to be able to run Python files, as well has have the necessary permissions to allow the import functions in main.py to download the above dependencies. Run as you would a normal Python file, and the outputs will populate in the appropriate folders.
Detailed commenting is provided within the main.py program file.
For more extensive references and walkthroughs please refer to the Wiki.
The intended audience is a Marine, unfamiliar with programming or simulation.
Sampling of a few output methods are included below. Please refer to the Wiki for list of all outputs.

Forks are welcome. This was one of my first projects in Python, and as such, being able to see better practices, improvements, and alternate methods is gladly received.
Jessi Lanum
At the time of creation and first usage, this repository represents the best efforts of a 2nd Lieutenant to improve computational science practices within the Marine Corps. For more information about this, please visit below.