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Traits & Defects

Danny Tatom edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision


  • [DONE] Perceptive: Notice traps before stepping on them, hear enemies at a distance greater than your vision (enemies show as pulsating dot?)
  • [DONE] Carnivore: Eating raw corpses gives a chance to heal (eating without this trait gets you sick, with this trait you could get sick but the chance is like 10%)
  • Spiritual: Divine favor starts higher, harder to lose
  • [DONE] Scout: Vision is a larger radius than normal
  • [DONE] Quick: Movement speed higher than normal
  • Ambidextrous: No penalty when using a weapon in your left hand (-2 otherwise)


  • Animal Discord: Animals don't like you. Non-aggressive ones become aggressive and aggressive ones even more aggressive
  • Fragile: Your body is extremely fragile. Its maximum HP is 75% lower than usual and you heal much slower
  • Brittle Bones: Your bones are much weaker, and have a higher chance of being crippled
  • Hates Veggies: No effects from eating plants
  • Hemophilia: Bleeding becomes a much more severe issue without bandages as it takes significantly longer for your wounds to naturally clot.
  • [DONE] Myopia: Vision is a smaller radius than normal
  • [DONE] One arm: Your left arm is missing. No dual wielding or 2 handed weapons. Max HP lowered by 20%
  • Forgetful: Forget where you've been & items you've identified over time
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