Raft implementation in a distributed fashion
To install distraft you need to follow the steps below:
- Python 3.7+
- pip
- (Optional) virtualenv
- (Optional, for example cluster) Docker
- (Optional, for example cluster) docker-compose
- (Optional) Create and activate a virtual environment:
virtalenv ./venv/ && source ./venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
All server configuration is done via environment variables, before running the server, modify the
file: distraft-config.env
to configure your server then to start the server run the following commands:
# Apply the environmental configurations:
source ./distraft-config.env
# Move to the distraft server:
cd ./distraft
# Start the server:
python server.py
Running in docker makes the bootstrapping of a 5-node cluster extremely easy, just make sure you have docker
and docker-compose
installed then run the following command:
# Start the 5-node cluster:
docker-compose up -d
Once the server is running here are some of the HTTP requests/commands you can use to interact with the server:
Get the status of a specific node (e.g.
- Returns a json message like the following:
{ "ok": true, "status": { "commit_index": 0, "id": "server1", "is_leader": false, "last_applied": 0, "last_log_index": 0, "last_log_term": 0, "leader": "default", "match_index": {}, "members": { "default": [ "", 9000, "", 5000 ], "server1": [ "", 9001, "", 5001 ], "server2": [ "", 9002, "", 5002 ] }, "next_index": {}, "state": "Follower", "term": 1, "up": true } }
Get the value of a key:
curl -L<key>
- Returns a json message like the following:
{ "ok": true, "key": "<key>", "value": "<value>" }
Set the value of a key:
curl -L -XPOST --data 'value=<new_value>'<key>
- Returns a json message like the following:
{ "ok": true, "key": "<key>", "value": "<new_value>" }
Stop a node (for testing purposes):
- Returns a json message like the following:
{"ok": true}
Start a node (for testing purposes):
- Returns a json message like the following:
{"ok": true}