This change: (check at least one)
- Adds a new feature
- Fixes a bug
- Improves maintainability
- Improves documentation
- Is a release activity
Is this a breaking change? (check one)
- Yes
- No
Is the: (complete all)
- Title of this pull request clear, concise, and indicative of the issue number it addresses, if any?
- Test suite(s) passing?
- Code coverage maximal?
- Changeset added?
- Component status page up to date?
What does this change address? A clear and concise description or a direct link to an issue [e.g. #15] If adding a feature, a rationale for its addition goes here.
How does this change work? A clear, detailed description of how this change addresses the issue. This could be a bullet list if there are several moving parts.
Additional context Add any other context here.