Changes from previous release
CSI Configurations
The Customer Satisfaction index (CSI) is an aggregation which first converts load times into a percentage of users who would be satisfied by the load time. This version of OpenSpeedMonitor comes with a preset of five different mappings to translate load times into a percentage of satisfied users. You can assign one of these mappings to each of your measured pages. Furthermore you can extend the preset of mappings by uploading your own ones via CSV ex-/import.
After translating the load times, resulting percentages get aggregated to an index. That aggregation implies building weighted means. The weighting factors (browser, internet connectivity, page and hour of day) and the previously mentioned mappings are now summarized to a CSI Configuration entity. You can configure multiple configurations and define which one to use calculating each of your CSI's. Here you can see the CSI configuration view of the OpenSpeedMonitor demo instance.
CSI Systems
With this version we introduced CSI systems. You can assemble multiple Job Group CSI's within a CSI system. Each Job Group CSI associated to a CSI system gets a weight. For the system a CSI is being computed by building a weighted mean from the CSI's of the affected Job Groups. By choosing one of the two new options daily/weekly mean per CSI System you can visualize CSI Systems as a graph on CSI Dashboard.
An example: You are measuring the performance of a responsive web application on different devices with different screen sizes. You have grouped all the measurements by breakpoints in different job groups. OpenSpeedMonitor calculated one CSI per breakpoint so far. Let's assume your applications supports three different breakpoints. With the new CSI system you can aggregate your three breakpoint CSI's to one system CSI. Each breakpoint can be of different interest for your application. You can weight the breakpoint CSI's accordingly in your CSI system. The system's CSI now represents the satisfaction of your users on all different breakpoints.
CSI by visually complete times
WebPagetest provides a measurand called visually complete time. This is the point in time after that nothing in the viewport of the browser changes visually until page is fully loaded. Up to now the customer satisfaction was caculated by WebPagetests doc complete time. With this release a second CSI is calculated based on visually complete time. You can visualize both CSI's on CSI Dashboard (see filter CSI Type).
CSI values by internet connectivity
On CSI Dashboard you can now choose which internet connectivity you want to see. This option is only available for hourly values because daily and weekly aggregations weight measurements by internet connctivity. The weights of all browser/connectivity combinations can be found on csi configuration view.