A LaTeX package for creating IHK(Industrie- und Handelskammer) conform project documentation. created by students for students.
created: 19. Mar 2024
last updated: 25. Apr 2024
Download the package via IT-Server or GitHub
Download the package
click on the file you want to download it should download automaticlly
Put the package in your project folder so that you can find it easily. as example:
copy teltowPack.sty [projectRoot]/packages/teltowPack.sty
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/itCarl/osz-technik-teltow.git
Put the package in your project folder so that you can find it easily. as example:
copy teltowPack.sty [projectRoot]/packages/teltowPack.sty
Just include the package on top of your main LaTeX document as you would with any other package via:
... other Packages
\usepackage[ihkPotsdam, timeNotesPage, tocSettings, headerAndFooter]{../packages/teltowPack}
Fill the title page with your data and show it as the first page.
... packages, setup, etc.
% parameters you can change
\setThemeColor[... HTML Hexcode]
\isExamInSummer[... boolean]
\setAuthor[...string, ...string]
% per page header
% include title page
% include time note page
\entry{01.02.2069}{Implementirung der Geschäftislogik)}{3}
... your documentation
enjoy \(^-^)/
under /example
you can see a full documentation example
% IHK logo colors. We recommend to set this to your companys main color
% dark blue => #003366 (default)
% light blue => #ccd7e6
\setThemeColor[HTML Hexcode]
\setThemeColor[003366] % dark blue (default)
\setThemeColor[ccd7e6] % light blue
\isExamInSummer[true] % (default) => Sommerprüfung 20xx
\isExamInSummer[false] % => Winterprüfung 20xx
\setAuthor[lastname, firstname]
\setAuthor[Mewes, Maximilian]
\setLoginDetails[your online id]
\setSpecialization[Ausbildungsberuf / Fachrichtung]
\setSpecialization[Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung]
\setCompanyName[company name]
\setCompanyName[Bug Guardians GmbH \& Co. KG]
\setSupervisorName[supervisor name]
\setSupervisorName[Hanno Nym]
\setSupervisorEmail[supervisor email]
\setSupervisorTelefon[supervisor telefon]
\setSupervisorTelefon[03328 35070]
\setProjectTitle[The same as on your project application]
\setProjectTitle[Implementierung einer Desktopanwendung zur Verarbeitung und Verwaltung von Übertragungswerten]
\setCompanyLogo[path to your company logo]
example project document structure:
├ assets
│ ├ ... other files
│ └ company-logo.png <<<<<
├ documentation
│ ├ ... [.pdf, .aux, .out, etc.]
│ └ project-documentation.tex
└ packages
├ ... other packages
└ teltoPack.sty <<<<<
\setHeaderLogoPosition[2.8] % (optional) used to set offset for pixel perfect alignment
when updating the LaTeX package dont forget updating the readme too.