More or less useful management software to control a ReflowPlate/HotPlate for reflowing solderpaste ❤️🔥
- LCD display
- PID control
- supports up to 2 Heating plates
- wlan connectivity
- comes with a web ui
- control via web interface
- thermal protection
- websocket connection
- REST Api
- TBD: fill with
Future Ideas
If you plan to submit a PR bigger than a simple change in one file, here is a short intro about how to do a clean PR. greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project locally via git clone
with your GitHub Username) and work on your local copy - Add the upstream repository via git remote add upstream
- Ensure you are on the master branch via
git checkout master
- Create your Feature Branch by running
git checkout -b <temp_branch>
- Set the upstream branch via
git push --set-upstream origin <temp_branch>
- Work on your local and push as many commits as you want
- Return to the master branch via
git checkout master
- Ensure your master branch is up-to-date with the latest changes via
git pull upstream master
- Update your fork of this repo by running
git push
- Create a new branch to be used for your PR via
git checkout -b <pr_branch>
- Set the upstream branch via
git push --set-upstream origin <pr_branch>
- Merge the edits but be sure to remove the history of your local commits via
git merge --squash <temp_branch>
- Create a new commit containing all of your merged changes via
git commit -m "<Message>"
Clone this repo
git clone
Licensed under the MIT license.