Zoom-Bot is a Simple , But powerful Python Based Script To Auto-Join Zoom Meetings According To Given Meeting Links,Times & Dates In Windows. ![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/0ab9d2457834a3591953bd86bf0109008fa2deea7cc7599fe83b116c1e299dd9/68747470733a2f2f696d672e69636f6e73382e636f6d2f637574652d636c69706172742f35302f3030303030302f646f75626c652d7469636b2e706e67)
- No Heavy Modules .
- Self Auto Restarting .
- No More Complex Editing .
- Very Easy To Use .
- Download The Zip File.
- Install Modules In requirements.txt File . | pip install -r requirements.txt
- Edit Your Data (links/dates/times) in mylist.csv File.
- Run zoombot.py
EXE VERSION - Download
* If Meeting Is On Today , Doesn't Need To Fill Date in mylist.csv
* Can Use Match Words For Dates (ex - Monday , Tuesday ..)
* Fill Data according To Sample Given In mylist.csv