Samebug automatically locates relevant solutions to your software crash from its expert community and solution database.
By searching with a stack trace Samebug can provide you a more relevant solution to your software crash. You don’t have to browse through endless forums and developer communities.
Our search engine has indexed more than 1,200,000 exceptions and its solutions from the web. When searching with your stack trace we browse through our continuously growing database and select the most relevant solution.
Samebug’s solution database is also run by the community. Based on your search result, Samebug connects you to other community members, your Bugmates, who have the same problem. You can ask or provide help to other community members.
The semantic stack trace similarity algorithm can find the most relevant stack trace, but not the most relevant content. We need the Community to rate the solutions in order to make Samebug learn which solutions work.
Your stack trace belongs only to you. Once you register, Samebug will never share your stack trace without your permission.
Our integration allows you to get solutions from the database, ask for help from others with the same bug and write solutions without switching to the internet and abandoning your workflow. Install it for IntelliJ Idea, Android Studio or Eclipse.
Samebug aggregates a huge amount of information collected from the Internet and from our users. We want to share this knowledge, and we have a lot of ideas on how to present and use this data, but it is not our focus. Check our experimental features if you are interested.
If you have other ideas for what Samebug can be used for, feel free to contact us.