is a bash script used to automate cross-repository workloads. It clones an user-defined list of GitHub repositories, runs a series of
user-defined commands in each of those repositories, then forks, commits, and pull requests any changes back to the upstream repository. It can be executed
either as a standalone script or in Prow CI as a presubmit, postsubmit, or peridoic job.
Bash 4.0+ interpreter.
The following third-party tools must be available in the execution environment:
For MacOS, additionally install the
Homebrew packages, then follow the postinstall instructions to add the commands to yourPATH
:brew install gnu-getopt coreutils
Unless executed in dry-run mode (i.e.
), it requires the use of a GitHub access token to identify the user and interact with the GitHub API. [options]...
The following is a list of supported options for
. If an option is optional, then its default value will be used. If an option is
required and unspecified, then execution will fail with a non-zero exit code.
Option | Argument | Description | Example(s) |
--branch |
string | The branch of the repository to clone and base the pull request. This option is optional and will default to the currently checked out branch if inside a git directory. | master |
--org |
string | The organization of the repository to clone and base the pull request. This option is required. | istio |
--repo |
string,... | The repository(ies) to clone and base the pull request. More than one repository can be specified via a comma-separated string. This option is required. | common-files (single repo)istio,,api,test-infra (multiple repos) |
--title |
template | This option is optional and will default to the following template: Automator: update $AUTOMATOR_ORG/$AUTOMATOR_REPO@$AUTOMATOR_BRANCH-$AUTOMATOR_MODIFIER . |
Update istio/api |
--match-title |
template | Reuse an existing pull request matching this title. Rather than create a new pull request, the existing pull request will be updated with any new changes. This option is optional and will default to the value of the --title template. |
Update istio/api |
--body |
template | The body of the pull request. This option is optional and will default to the following template: Generated by Automator - $(date -uIseconds) . |
Generated by Automator - $(date -uIseconds) |
--labels |
string,... | The label(s) to add to the pull request. More than one label can be specified via a comma-separated string. This option is optional. | auto-merge (single label)auto-merge,new,env/aws (multiple labels) |
--user |
string | The user name associated with the commit, fork, and pull request. This option is optional and will default to the login of the github token. | clarketm |
--email |
string | The email address associated with the commit, fork, and pull request. This option is optional and will default to the email of the github token. | |
--modifier |
string | A segment of text to append to the branch name of the fork for additional context. This option is optional and will default to . |
update-api-dependency |
--token-path |
file | Path to a file containing a GitHub access token. The token is used to identify the user and interact with the GitHub API. This option is required if --token is not specified. |
/path/to/github/token |
--token |
string | A GitHub access token. The token is used to identify the user and interact with the GitHub API. This option is required if --token-path is not specified. |
aSuperSecretGithubToken |
--token-env |
Like --token , but read from GH_TOKEN instead. |
aSuperSecretGithubToken |
--script-path |
script | Path to a bash script containing the command(s) to execute in each cloned repository. This option is required if --cmd is not specified. |
/path/to/bash/script |
--cmd |
command | A command to execute in each cloned repository. This option is required if --script-path is not specified. |
go get (single command)go get && make gen (multiple commands) |
--verbose |
Enable verbose output. Print commands and their arguments as they are executed. WARNING: this has the potential to print sensitive data to standard output. | ||
--strict |
Enable strict mode. When enabled, if the command does not produce a git diff it will exit with a non-zero exit code. | ||
--dry-run |
Enable dry run mode. When enabled, the command will terminate early and NOT perform a commit, push, or pull request for any changes. This is useful for local testing/debugging or when concerned only with the git diff or exit code of the command. | ||
--git-exclude |
string | Applied to list of file changes in the commit CAUSING this automator run using grep -vE '<string>'. If no additional changes remain, the automator task will stop. | ^common/ ^pkg/|^pilot/ |
The following is a list of environment variables supported by
. These variables can be specified in any of the template options
above (e.g. --title
) or in the command (e.g. --cmd
) or script (e.g. --script-path
) executed by
Variable | Description | Example(s) |
Contains the value of the GitHub organization. It is set via the --org option. |
istio |
Contains the current value of the repository. It is set via the --repo option. If more that one repository is specified, this variable will contain the repository currently being processed. | |
Contains the value of the branch. It is set via the --branch option. |
master |
Contains the value of the modifier. It is set via the --modifier option. |
update-deps |
The absolute path of the current working directory. | /path/of/current/working/dir |
The absolute path of the directory of the cloned repository. If more that one repository is specified, this variable will contain the path to the repository currently being processed. | /path/of/cloned/repo/dir |
Set to the value of Prow's REPO_OWNER . |
istio |
Set to the value of Prow's REPO_NAME . |
test-infra |
Set to the value of Prow's PULL_BASE_REF . |
master |
Set to the git commit sha (if inside a git directory). | c6418d1439d12eab2f1a4eae89f6eee46a34c31b |
Set to the git commit sha trimmed to 8 character (if inside a git directory). | c6418d14 |
Set to the git sha committed date. | 2020-09-24 |
To test or debug
locally, first ensure the execution environment meets the above prerequisites. Additionally, supply
the --dry-run
option. This will prevent all GitHub state modifications (i.e. fork, commit, and pull request). Instead, it will print a git diff
standard out if any files were changed, then exit.
/path/to/ \
--org=istio \
--repo=test-infra \
--branch=master \
--title='my automator test' \
--cmd="echo 'do something fun' > file.txt" \
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+do something fun