💻 Skills: Python, R, SQL, HTML, Data Analysis
Exploring the Impact of Advertising on Sales: A Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
- Calculating a least squares regression equation that predicts Sales (in thousands) based on advertising spending on TV, newspapers, and radio. Formally tests whether the set of these predictors is associated with total sales at the
= 0.05 significance level.
Diabetes Predictive Analysis using Machine Learning
- This repository presents an analysis of diabetes data with the aim of predicting diabetes in individuals using machine learning and data analytics principles. The analysis includes the exploration of various features, correlation analysis, and statistical summaries.
Analyzing Boston Blue Bike Short Trips
- By leveraging a comprehensive data set on Boston BLue Bike 2019 data, I aim to uncover insightful patterns associated with bike rental usage in Boston.
- The objective of the project was to build a functional package in R. I found netflix data from kaggle and used it to do a exploratory data analysis on movie/tv show data available on Netflix.
Data Wrangling LearnR Tutorial
- Data Wrangling tutorial in R! Used the learnr package to build an interactive tuturial on Data Wrangling.
- Project for my programming language course. Sudoku solver in Julia programming language.
Learning How to Program in Julia
- GitHub repository for my semester long project in my CS-330 course: Structure and Organization of Programming Language where I learned how to program in Julia