- DOC check consistency of readme with what actually happens
- Add
to handle diffs that contain nested objects with dot notation keys (as to handle completions for decorations that may includeregion.width
, etc.) - Add to graph schema an optional field in edges: direction = None | Directed | BiDirected and change display so that individual edge property overrides graph general directed setting
- Add a light layer module giving a simple request-response form and the node-repl specific application; supports playground
- FIX: Scale parameter for constraint on bounding edges
- FIX: handle forests in isTree check by separating components and positioning trees at different ranges of x (or y depending on orientation)
- Add a new kind of decoration: arrow
- Add labelJustify style (none, left, right, center) for nodes, edges, and text decorations (is labelWidth needed? or scale for node/edge size)
- Add labelWidth property scaled to node or edge size
- textAngle property used for labels and text decorations??
- Add a new kind of constraint DECORATION contains NODE1,...,NONEn. Possible UPDATE: Simpler and almost as functional -- Add a new way of specifying a decoration
- Do not swallow all errors during REPL usage; figure out which errors should be displayed and how
- New :config param(s) related to drawing (perhaps including orientation if done as an object): component order: none, largest (first), smallest (first); node order byEntry, byName, byNameReverse, byData (order, unordered last, negatives for from the end), byDataRev; orientation (as already done); reset positions if any drawing configs change value
- Better initial positioning (accounting for components and connectivity); small hooke force between children at same level in a tree; ...
- More intelligent initial positions: i. grouping (roughly) in connected clusters, ii. ordering via orientation config by order created, iii. centering one node (odd case) when no edges, ...
- PROVISIONAL Second phase positioning adjustments that improve the overall look and feel
- PROVISIONAL Alternate initialization of positions using presence of edges as an implicit metric (as in multi-dimensional scaling) Related to this: should connected components be given roughly different zones in the initial positioning (bipartite case weird?)
- PROVISIONAL Add a default pre-existing decoration "canvas" of type invisible whose coordinates are fixed at the canvas boundary (useful in constraints)
- ADMIN add a test suite and get existing tests to pass
- Ensure that edge offset supports for absolute directions for (up, down, left, right)
- FUTURE adjust parser to allow multipliers of parenthetical expressions on the right [CG]
- FUTURE adjust parser so that < and > by themselves as equivalent to <= >= [CG]
- FUTURE Add either a
command to fix the current positions of nodes by turning them into constraints and an:unfreeze
command to remove constraints (injected constraints would be identifiable via e.g.derived
property) or we could also have aconfig
option to fix positions of nodes at those in _positions (if any nodes are not in _positions, we add transient constraints like in the last case for those that are and apply the positioning to set the _positions of the new nodes) - FUTURE Handle config changes (e.g., orientation) that allow positions to be reset when a real change in orientation takes place (one approach: config interface that distinguishes reified values from pending values [current, last]. setting an unreified value sets it to last if current is last, otherwise to [current, last]; getting returns the current; getReified returns current and sets value to current as a reified value. Alternative: a lastOrientation state that gets compared.)
- FUTURE URL encoding of graph state for easy sharing, serving, linking, etc.
- FUTURE support opacity in colors (use case: colorful decoration regions)
- FUTURE support other LLM providers such as Google Bard, Anthropic, etc.
- FUTURE handle arrow styles (easy in tikz); includes arrow heads and features like double arrows etc.
- DOC Write README/intro/tips documentation (one doc shared in repo and with :intro and :tips commands)
- FIX strip quotes from config values when setting them via :config
- FEAT make provider case-insensitive for config
- Add typescript types to the library (for users)
- Add color translation/fixing capability: e.g., "steel blue" -> "steelblue", "light steel blue" -> appropriate hex color, translating web colors -> xcolors for tikz, etc. Use
package - DOC Create a gallery
- Check that edge offset scaling is from -1,1 rather than -0.5, 0.5
- Find the missing stack traces
- Add "double circle" shape
- Add a prompt when trying to overwrite an existing file to confirm
- Allow constraints to access not just center (.x, .y) but also bounding box coordinates (@e, @w, @s, @n, @nw, @ne, @se, @sw, and @c or none) for nodes
- FIX correctly handle fillStyle (and check other styles) in to-tikz [CG]
- FIX in convertConstraint if a node in the constraint does not exist in nodesInOrder, ignore the constraint [CG]
- ADD ':show graph' command gives a clear, easy to read, text description of the current graph: node names, adjacency list(?), labels?, constraints as equations? Can also allow ':show [nodes|edges|constraints|decorations]' to give a textual summary of each type that might be less overwhelming, and which could also be given in more detail than in the general summary.
- TOOL README template and construction script (with description.human tags in schema, graphmaker usage, etc.) [CG]
config that executes a :show (with format given in the config, default svg) after each non-command task - FEATURE :help accepts (optional) text as an argument sent to AI (with separate task and getting the human descriptions in the schema)
- FIX resolve cutoff of the canvas in PDF export (causing e.g. wider rectangles to be not fully visible right now) [PB]
- FIX? PDF files are very large; seems that it should be convertible to much smaller size [PB]
- ADMIN clean-up and reorganize the code
- ADMIN add documentation in the code where required
- TEST Make sure the output of all examples is correct (at least most of the time)
- TEST Use decorations in examples to make sure they work
- FEAT Command (:reposition) and state option (e.g., resetPositions) to cause the _positions data to be reset in populateGraph [CG]
- FIX use GPT3 tokenizer to count the number of tokens in the prompt and adjust the assembled history prompt if necessary [PB]
- Improve indentation and line wrapping for REPL usage printout [PB]
- FIX Handle Bezier case for edge positioning on general nodes [CG & PB]
- REFACTOR Change iteration limit and annealing ratio in node position simulation (all more iteration) [CG & PB]
- FIX Remove _description tags from schema in schemaMessage() [CG & PB]
- DOC Finish examples
- PROVISIONAL support an array of styles for nodes, edges, and decorations
- PROVISIONAL Allow names on decorations
- SCHEMA add loopDirection to edge definition in graph schema; this is the direction that a self-loop points out of the node; integrate into calls to selfLoop
- ADMIN Compress schema a bit more
- FEAT Add none/invisible node shape
- FIX clean-up the adjacency
checks as needed - FEATURE Add file path completions to REPL
- FIX arrowhead line should always be solid
- FIX ai-models configuration of model (from config, not hard coded; need to change signatures)
- POS automatic positioning of self loops (including handling of multiple self loops for the same node), e.g. histogram approach (with say 10 degree bins)
- FIX Handle LaTeX node labels in tikz
- FIX support fontColor for SVG latex labels
- PRIORITY :command to load adjacency matrices from a file (grammar flexible for different reasonable formats for the adjacency matrix)
- PROVISIONAL Read node/edge attributes from file/data
- FIX self-loop boundary positions for all shapes
- Handle diamond/triangle/ellipse boundary detection for edge positioning for linear edges
- FIX Set marker color for arrow heads to match line color of the edge
- PRIORITY add support for label coloring (for edges and nodes)
- PRIORITY user-defined node and edge attributes
- IMMEDIATE incorporate nodePositions2 in lieu of nodePositions (changes calling sequence), and test that category gets set (e.g., automata)
- IMMEDIATE repl :config command set API key, or from command line, or from standard file (e.g., ~/.graphmaker.config)
- IMMEDIATE generate a platform-independent (as much as possible) installer script for the graphmaker repl tool Needs to (i) install Node.js / npm, dependencies, (ii) create base config, (iii) install executable script, (iv) prompt with help in storing API key etc
- IMMEDIATE repl message on retries (alive/progress indicator)
- IMMEDIATE in repl, use dynamic require to load expensive modules only when needed (e.g., sharp when saving PDF) to improve startup
- IMMEDIATE finish help text for --help option, check version for outdated reminder
- PRIORITY+ add LaTeX support for labels (!) [Plan: use mathjax to generate SVG elements] ALTERNATIVE: Mathlingo support for labels, possible config
- LaTeX equation positioning
- Positions encoded as x, y props on nodes used as starting points; missing positions are randomized (used _positions instead)
- With no initial positions, order in x (or y) in the node order given (random order statistics) and randomize other dimension
- add inequality constraints to node positioning
- add export to tikz
- :config command add to config in repl (use cases: turn names on or off, canvas dimensions)
- finish fill styles
- insert node x,y for starting/current positions to provide stability
- Experiment with AI specification of constraints (e.g., C is at the midpoint of the line from A to B, A is above B, A-C are at the same horizontal position, A is at center of the other nodes)
- Parse constraint strings into suitable matrix-rhs specs
- handle line styles
- add new entry point for node positioning
- add support for linear constraints for fixed positioning (?)
- :load command to load script from file while repl continues
- :history and :transcript command support
- modify :show command to take an optional argument (start/open)
- text in PDF export
- add weight offset and relative offsets to tangent and midpoint for edge label and weight.
- custom fonts for node and edge labels and decoration text
- add position offsets
- finish label styling for nodes and edges
- add support for node and edge labels and weights
- add support for label rotation for edges
- node sizing
- check support for named styles
- add export to PNG, PDF, SVG
- add support for non-linear edges (cubic Bezier curve; generate control points for non-zero angles)
- add support for decorations (freely positioned rectangles and texts)
- add support for square, rectangle, ellipse node shapes
- add automatic retries and error handling
- add triangle and diamond node shapes
- add softness parameters to graph schema
- reverse sign of angle entering so 45, 45 for example is a nice arc
- fix arrowhead offsets
Library that takes a series of commands and returns a State that is up
init() -> initial-state for a new graph update(State, Command) -> (State, Maybe Output)
Command = Prompt String | Undo | Redo | Export Format Format = SVG | PNG | PDF | ... | Internal (SVG is the default) Output = Error String | Graph String | ... State = { graph, history: Array } // Preferred conceptually HistoryElement = { graph, prompt, exported?, ...} // State = Array // Alternative, current graph is last
Task: Write a small library implementing the above interface.
Web UI, REPL interface,
JSON schema validation, OpenAI requests,
immer for the GraphState ?
initializeGraph() -> GraphState updateGraph(GraphState, Command) -> (GraphState, Result)
task(prompt: String) -> Command undo() -> Command redo() -> Command export(format: String) -> Command
Command { type: 'export', payload: 'svg | png | pdf | json' } { type: 'task', payload: 'userPrompt' } { type: 'redo', payload: null } { type: 'undo', payload: null }
updateGraph(state, export("png")) -> (state', Some)
updateGraph for task:
- injects the user prompt into our template
- call OpenAI API with the constructed prompt
- parse the response and validates it against the JSON schema
- updates the graph state with the new graph and the updated history
- returns (GraphState,None)
- if any position is missing, reposition all the nodes except for those that are fixed; otherwise, refine the positions using the existing positions as a starting point
Option 1. Specify constraints by object, rhs pairs
Ex: { A: { x: 1, y: 0 }, B: {x: -1} } , 0
This is the constraint that A and B have the same x coordinate,
i.e., A.x - B.x = 0.
Option 2. (Preferred for now) Specify constraints by simple strings
Ex: A.x - B.x = 0 A.x + B.x = 2 C.x A.y + B.y = 2 C.y
A grammar for constraints is:
constraint <- expr = expr
| expr <= expr
expr <- expr '+' term
| expr '-' term
term <- coordinate
| number '*'? coordinate
| coordinate '/' number
| number
coordinate <- name '.' [xy]
name <- '[^']+'
Right now the names forbid ', but this can be escaped. Spaces are allowed between tokens.
Let's construct a regular expression for constraints:
name = /'[^']+'/ coordinate = /name \s*.\s* [xy]/ number = (?: [0-9] )... # NO SCIENTIFIC NOTATION HAH term = (?: number (?: \s**?\s* coordinate)? | coordinate (?: \s*/\s* number)?) coordinateSum = coordinate (?: [-+] coordinate)* pterm = (?: term | number (\s**?\s*)? ( coordinateSum ) | ( coordinateSum ) (?: \s*/\s* number)?) expr = pterm (?: \s*[-+]\s* pterm)* constraint = expr (?: <?=) expr
A grammar for constraints is:
name <- '[^']+'
coordinate <- name '.' [xy]
coordinateSum <- coordinate
| coordinateSum '+' coordinate
| coordinateSum '-' coordinate
term <- coordinate
| number '*'? coordinate
| coordinate '/' number
| number
pterm <- term
| number '*'? '(' coordinateSum ')'
| '(' coordinateSum ')' '/' number
expr <- expr '+' pterm
| expr '-' pterm
constraint <- expr = expr
| expr <= expr
function constraintRegEx() {
const name = /'[^']+'/;
const coordinate = new RegExp(
const number = /(?:0|-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?|-?\.\d+)/;
const term = new RegExp(
const expr = new RegExp(
const constraint = new RegExp(
return constraint;
JS function handling pterms and coordinateSum:
function constraintRegEx() {
const name = /(?:'[^'\n]+'|[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9_:<>,;]*)/;
const coordinate = new RegExp(
const number = /(?:0|-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?|-?\.\d+)/;
const term = new RegExp(
const coordinateSum = new RegExp(
const pterm = new RegExp(
const expr = new RegExp(
const constraint = new RegExp(
return constraint;
A grammar for constraints is: constraint <- expr = expr | expr <= expr; expr <- expr '+' term | expr '-' term;
term <- coordinate
| number '*'? coordinate
| coordinate '/' number
| number
coordinate <- name '.' [xy]
name <- '[^']+'
expr <- expr '+' pterm
| expr '-' pterm
pterm <- term
| number '*'? '(' coordinateSum ')'
| '(' coordinateSum ')' '/' number
coordinateSum <- coordinate
| coordinateSum '+' coordinate
| coordinateSum '-' coordinate
# Inequality Constraints
Equality constraints A x = b A is a c by n matrix
Inequality constraints L x <= d L is an s by n matrix
Two cases: 1 . s + c <= n, 2. s + c > n.
SVD for A: U [D 0] [V_1 V_0]^T U is c by x, D is C by n, [V_1 V_0] is n by n orthogonal
Equality constraints: If I have a feasible solution, x_0, x_0 + Null(A) is also feasible
Feasible solution: base = V_1 D^-1 U^T b base + Null(A)
Initial positions: project given positions onto the affine space base + Null(A)
Inequality constraints: If I have a feasible solution, x_0. Force F(x_0) and project on Null(A)
x_1 = x_0 + delta P_0 F(x_0) (like before except delta is chosen so that L x_1 <= d).
s_0 = d - L x_0
s_1 = d - L x_1 = s_0 - delta L P_0 F(x_0). Need s_1 >= 0 to find delta.
Stop when || P_0 F(x_0) || = 0 or (?!) when delta = 0. (Issue 2. Probably minor or not an issue.)
Issue 1. Finding a feasible solution.
Use x_0 from before as an initial guess and then modify to ensure L x_0' <= d
Assume that either L x_0 <= d or rank(L V_0) = s.
Case 1. s + c <= n. (n - c >= s)
L V_0 defines a subspace spanned by s orthogonal vectors.
x s.c L x_0 + L V_0 x <= d or L V_0 x <= d_0 == d - L x_0
Feasible solution x_0' = x_0 + (L V_0)^dagger y for any y <= d_0.
Case 2. s + c > n (or 0 < rank(L V_0) < s)
min_alpha sum_i (alpha^T z_i - d_i - epsilon)_+^2
## Prompts for categorizing graphs
The following prompt describes a graph consisting of nodes and edges. In at most five words, specify any categories or labels that describe the graph. Examples of categories include tree, acyclic, bipartite, complete, directed/undirected, simple/non-simple (multiple edges between two nodes or edges to itself)
1. add nodes A-C to an undirected graph
2. add an edge from A to B
3. add an edge from A to A
4. add another edge from A to B
Categories as a JSON array (up to five):