There are two scripts:
magento_support_checker.phar - contains all the checks and can be used independently
magento-support-checker - bash command to upload magento_support_checker.phar
to Magento Cloud automatically
- Have magento-cloud cli command installed and configured with API TOKEN.
- Clone this repo into any folder
git clone
- Install shortcut script
sudo ln -s {full_patch_to_repo}/magento-support-checker /usr/local/bin/msc
msc {cloud-project-id} {cloud-project-env} {check-name}
# example
msc ko32g3ggweggr staging advanced_reporting
- Download phar from this repo:
- Copy phar script into {MAGENTO_ROOT_DIR}/var directory:
- Run phar script
# all checks
php magento_support_checker.phar all
# product recommendations only
php magento_support_checker.phar product_recommendations
# advanced reporting only
php magento_support_checker.phar advanced_reporting
Check group: advanced_reporting with total 8 rules'
[1/8] Is Enabled: OK
[2/8] Multiple Currency: OK
[3/8] Cron in DB settings: [{"scope":"default","scope_id":"0","value":"00 02 * * *"}]
Cron jobs in DB not found
[4/8] Token in settings: OK
[5/8] Last generated report in flag: 0 days ago. (2022-06-02 07:00:54) File URL:
[6/8] Escaped quotes in db: OK
[7/8] Check unexisting stores: OK
[8/8] Generated report URL:
cd build && ./
- Create new class in src/MagentoSupport/SupportChecker/Check/{check_folder}
- Add class into src/main.php -> $checksList variable