This application implements the basic functionality of a ToDo list application.
Add the tasks to be done using the todo command. Tasks can then be shuffled from todo, to doing and then to done.
It is assumed that you have Python 3.6 & git installed. Grab this sourcecode and run this app by
$ git clone
$ cd kanban
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python
On running the application, type help
for the list of valid commands. For help on a specific command, type help <command_name>
e.g. help delete_task
todo task_name : Adds a task to the todo list
doing task_id: Marks the task as currently in progress (being worked on)
done task_id: Marks the task as done
edit_task task_id : Edits the task specified by ID
delete_task task_id: Deletes task specified by ID
list_all: Lists all the tasks that have been added by the user
list_todo: Lists tasks currently marked as ToDos
list_doing: Lists all tasks that are being worked on
list_done: lists only tasks that have been completed
quit: Exits the application