In order to successfully use the tool you first need to install package webcolors (pip install webcolors) and pull the whole folder.
Once this is done you need a (non-compressed/nicht komprimierte) XML or .drawio file. If you made something in you can simply
click on export as and export it as an XML file or you can also just use the .drawio file (on your own risk of it not being fully tested).
After this you should be good to go. You can run it as described in the (python python3 /absolute/path/of/file).
It just needs to be an XML or drawio file.
Necessary usepackages for full compatibility:
- \usepackage{soul}
- \usepackage{tikz_anchors}
- \usepackage{adjustbox}
- \usepackage{tikz}
- \usepackage{circuitikz}