- Eat button - automatically switch to food slot and eat
- Switch to slot
- Must work in entire inventory
- Hold 'use' until food is eaten
- Flash eat button on low hunger, should flash more the more urgent it is, take health into account
- Make the flash a fade
- Prioritise the best food from inventory
- Prioritise gapples over other food if health is low
- Switch to slot
- Audio cue on low hunger and health
- Flash screen red when taking damage
- Highlight parts of the screen to indicate what Kanzi should press
- Should be invokable through commands/datapack
Highlight look quadrants (controlled through arrow keys AND commands) -
Highlight buttons - Controllable cursor to indicate to Kanzi
Highlight inventory slots
- Prevent Kanzi fighting the re-centering look direction
- Modded food reward indicator found in the datapack last time - should hook into the indicator system
- Indicate X on failure, triggerable by keybind AND command
- Clicking entities invokes action
- Clicking on ender-dragon should pull bow, aim at dragon and shoot
- Account for dragon's velocity and over-shoot
(include deviancy)(not needed as not 100% accurate)
- Account for dragon's velocity and over-shoot
- Clicking on end crystal should pull bow, aim at crystal and shoot
- Shoot at the top of the crystal rather than the middle
- Extend end crystal hit-box upwards
Clicking on end crystal show face the crystal, indicate a tick, then look back in previous location (TRAINING)
- Clicking on ender-dragon should pull bow, aim at dragon and shoot
- Server-client handshake on login to prevent clients from joining without the mod/correct version of the mod
- Auto-sneak when on a 5-block or more ledge
- Don't recenter look direction when breaking block
- Compat bossbar and shift bonobo buttons below
- Enlarged end crystals
- Only large if not inside iron bars
- Affects hitbox
- Affects render size
- Hide crosshair
- Share button
- Button glows green when Kanzi is in need of sharing
- Conditional rendering when a player is nearby
- Look at the player smoothly and automatically
- Emulate inventory drops from inventory
- Conditionally drop items based on player tags
- Throw potions at players (select 1 random potion from inv)
- Implement inventory sorting
- Sort sword, crossbow, arrows and food into designated slots
- Sort other items into the back of the inventory
- Auto-equip and replace armour with better varieties
- Auto-sorting when receiving items (/give, pickup, armour dispense)
- Manual
/sortinventory <target>
command - Toggleable
- Tweak ender dragon pathfinding
- Two circles around the middle of the island, one higher than the other
- Water bucket clutch button
- Continually place press 'use item'
- Pick up water back into bucket
- Make sure it doesn't break in creative
- Conditionally render button only if falling (fallDistance?)
- Dragons breath movement priority
- Don't trigger dragon attack touch handler if in dragon breath
- Slightly lower natural pitch to prevent looking at enderman (-15deg)
- Stare at dragon when dying
- Don't allow shooting if dragon is perching
- Reduce enderman spawn rate
- Fix crash when loading crossbow with no arrows available
NBT-controlled bed respawn yaw - Diagonal touch-look
- Camera should reset after a certain amount of time regardless of panning
- Fix camera doing a spin when auto-looking at a spot
- Fix share button rendering
control command- Charge into player
- Initiate dragon perch
- Stop dragon perch
- Initiate fireball phase
- Shoot fireball at player from dragon
- Respawn dragon fight
- Start dying animation
command- Like /tag but they get sent to clients for share button stuff