A reusable object written in spin2 for driving the TIMI serial IPS LCD-TFT displays.
Breadboard Mates (BBM) produces the TIMI line of displays. These are similar to teh Nextion devices we've seen in that we select the screens to be displayed and upload them to the device (essentially flashing the device.) Then we connect the device containing the screens to our project via serial and simply send values to the screen fields or labels.
On this Page:
Additional pages:
- Enclosing Project README - The top level documentation for the overall project
- The rotary Encoder object - Reusable object for reading rotary encoder with push button
- The TIMI-130 Datasheet
- Breadboard Mates Products - shop the full line of products
- Mates Studio - The windows software for programming the TIMI devices
Here is the TIMI-130 I'm using for this project:
The object isp_timi_mates.spin2 when first started configures the serial pins at the requested baud rate [Default: 9600].
The object provides the following methods for starting up, tearing down and accessing the values read from the device and writing values to the device:
OBJECT Interface | Description |
>--- SETUP | |
PUB start(pinTx, pinRx, pinReset, baudRate) : bDidSucceed | Start simple serial comms on given pins at baudrate |
PUB stop() | Stop underlying serial device and release pins |
PUB error() : latestError | Return latest Mates Error Code |
PUB hardReset() : bDidSucceed | Uses hardware driven signal to hard reset Timi device Returns the boolean response from the reset |
PUB softReset() : bDidSucceed | Sends a serial command to the connected Timi device to trigger a reset Returns the boolean response from the reset |
PUB setBacklight(backlightValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the intensity of the backlight of connected device: where {backlightValue} is [0-255] Returns the boolean response from the backlight command |
>--- Normal Interaction | |
PUB setPage(pageIndex, timeout) : bDidSucceed | Sets the page to be displayed on the connected device Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB getPage() : pageIdx | Returns {pageIdx} the index of the current page displayed by the connected device |
PUB setWidgetValueById(widgetId, widgetValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the value of a specific widget based on the provided identifier Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB getWidgetValueById(widgetId) : widgetValue | Gets the value of a widget based on the {widgetId} Returns {widgetValue} an integer corresponding to widget value. |
PUB setWidgetValueByIndex(widgetType, widgetIndex, widgetValue) : bDidSucceed |
Sets the value of a specific widget based on the index within a widget type Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB getWidgetValueByIndex(widgetType, widgetIndex) : widgetValue | Gets the value of a specific widget based on the index within a widget type Returns {widgetValue} an integer corresponding to widget value. |
PUB setLedDigitsShortValue(widgetIndex, widgetValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the value of specifically int16 LED Digits widgets based on the widget index Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB setLedDigitsLongValue(widgetIndex, widgetValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the value of specifically int32 LED Digits widgets based on the widget index Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB setLedDigitsFloatValue(widgetIndex, floatWidgetValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the value of specifically float32 LED Digits widgets based on the widget index Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB setSpectrumValue(spectrumId, gaugeIndex, widgetValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the value of specifically Spectrum widgets based the spectrum id and gauge index Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB setLedSpectrumValue(ledSpectrumIndex, gaugeIndex, widgetValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the value of specific LED Spectrum widgets based on the gauge index Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB setMediaSpectrumValue(mediaIndex, gaugeIndex, widgetValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the value of specific Media Spectrum widgets based on the Media Spectrum index and the gauge index Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB setWidgetParamById(widgetId, param, widgetValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the value of a widget parameter based on widget id and parameter id Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB getWidgetParamById(widgetId, param) : targetParamValue | Gets the value of a widget parameter based on widget id and parameter id Returns and integer containing the target parameter value. |
PUB setWidgetParamByIndex(widgetType, widgetIndex, param, widgetValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the value of a widget parameter based on widget index and parameter id Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB getWidgetParamByIndex(widgetType, widgetIndex, param) : widgetValue | Gets the value of a widget parameter based on widget index and parameter id Returns {widgetValue} the target parameter value |
PUB clearTextArea(textAreaIndex) : bDidSucceed | Clears a targeted Text Area Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB updateTextArea(textAreaIndex, pString) : bDidSucceed | Updates the text displayed within Text Area widget Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB clearPrintArea(printAreaIndex) : bDidSucceed | Clears a targeted Print Area Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB setPrintAreaColor565(printAreaIndex, rgb565Value) : bDidSucceed | Sets the color of a PrintArea Widget based on an rgb565 value Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB setPrintAreaColorRGB(printAreaIndex, redValue, greenValue, blueValue) : bDidSucceed | Sets the color of a PrintArea Widget Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB appendArrayToPrintArea(printAreaIndex, pBytes, byteCount) : bDidSucceed | Appends {pBytes} a list of integers to the {printAreaIndex} Print Area widget Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB appendStringToPrintArea(printAreaIndex, pString) : bDidSucceed | Appends {pString} to the {printAreaIndex} Print Area widget Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB appendToScopeWidget(scopeIndex, pWordBuffer, countWords) : bDidSucceed | Appends {pWordBuffer} a list of integers to the {scopeIndex} Scope widget Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB updateDotMatrixWidget(matrixIndex, pString) : bDidSucceed | Writes {pString} to the {matrixIndex} Dot Matrix widget Returns T/F where T indicates success |
PUB getButtonEventCount() : countButtonEvents | Gets the number of events recorded from applicable button widgets Returns {countButtonEvents} the number of events recorded |
PUB getNextButtonEvent() : widgetId | Gets the next event source logged from applicable buttons Returns {widgetId} an integer corresponding to the button widget ID |
PUB getSwipeEventCount() : eventCount | Gets the number of events recorded from swipe gestures Returns {eventCount} an integer corresponding to the number of events |
PUB getNextSwipeEvent() : swipeEvent | Gets the next swipe event value Returns {swipeEvent} an integer corresponding to the swipe event |
PUB getVersion() : pVerString | Helper function to obtain the version of the Python Mates Controller library Returns {pVerString} string response of library version |
PUB getCompatibility() : pVerString | Helper function to obtain the version of the Mates Studio compatible with this library version Returns {pVerString} string response of Mates Studio version compatible with this library |
PUB printVersion() | Debugging function to print the version of the Mates Studio compatible along with this specific library version. |
PUB getError() : latestError | Helper function to obtain the current error state of the Mates Controller Returns {latestError} MatesError response of current error |
>--- NOT Implemented | |
PUB setBufferSize(size) | setBufferSize(size) NOT Implemented!! |
PUB takeScreenshot() : bDidSucceed, pImage | takeScreenshot() NOT Implemented!! |
PUB saveScreenshot(pFilenameStr) : bDidSave | saveScreenshot() NOT Implemented!! |
The following files comprise our driver source code:
Filename | Purpose | Description |
Driver FILEs | ||
isp_timi_mates.spin2 | DRIVER | the TIMI Driver object |
isp_serial.spin2 | DRIVER | underlying serial HW interface |
jm_nstring.spin2 | DRIVER | string formatting routines (fm JonnyMac) |
If you like my work and/or this has helped you in some way then feel free to help me out for a couple of ☕'s or 🍕 slices!
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This project is a community project not for commercial use.
This project is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Parallax Inc., dba Parallax Semiconductor or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.
Licensed under the MIT License.
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