The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical and distributed name service that provides a naming system for computers, services, and other resources on the Internet or other Internet Protocol (IP) networks.
This details how to acquire a domain name from a domain name registrar.
- Cloudflare: Buying a Domain
- FreeDNS: Acquiring a Domain
- Porkbun: Buying a Domain
- Squarespace: Buying a Domain
- Buying a Domain
This details how to update the authoritative nameserver for a domain.
- Porkbun: Update Authoritative Nameserver
- Squarespace: Update Authoritative Nameserver
- Update Authoritative Nameserver
This section is not required if your domain was purchased on Cloudflare or if you have no intention to use Cloudflare as your nameserver.
This details how to set Cloudflare as the authoritative DNS nameserver for a domain.
A registered subdomain only points to the public IP endpoint of your home network. Your home network will still need to route traffic to the appropriate internal service, typically using port forwarding.
This details how to register a subdomain on a DNS server.
This details how to keep DNS records up-to-date dynamically on a DNS server.
This details the process of setting up a local DNS server for use with your local servers or devices.